This wasn't my embarassing moment but one of a brother conducting the WT study. There was a brother in the cong. whose name was Brother Munn. The conductor called on him saying, Yes, Mother Bunn? We all laughted histercally. Here was MY most embarassing moment, though. I had five kids and my next to youngest son was about 3 1/2 and said he had to go to the bathroom. I let him go alone and then I suddenly heard all the people in back of the hall he comes with his pants down around his ankles and a wad of toilet paper in his hand, holding it up saying, "Wipe me mom." I could have died.
JoinedPosts by ydidIanswerthedoor
What was your most embarassing moment?
by kwijibo inmine was at the kh giving a talk - got muddled up and almost said the f word into the mike.
in fact - i said it in my mind or under my breath and then panicked because i thought i had said it out loud but the audience didn't seem to react so i new i must have not said it out loud.
i wonder if anyone noticed me breaking into a cold sweat........... anyone got any more?
Do You Still Believe In Some Of The JW Religion?
by SpannerintheWorks in.
which beliefs do you hold on to that you may have previously rejected as a non-jw?.
Unfortunately, I guess, there are many things that I was taught that I cling to. ie: No saluting the flag, no going to war, no voting, no dircet involement with politics, no burning hell, dead, dead. I am df'd and 4 out of 5 of my kids can't speak to me and I don't like the way the dubs handle the df's but I do know that in the NT it say's "not even eating with such a person." I can see where there are things in there that I can' t refute so it almost makes me not believe in the Bible or just to ignore all religious thought. Sad, huh?
Did Jehovah ever ask you........
by Beans inwhen you were a jehovah's witness did "jehovah" ever ask something of you?.
Then why are we asked to petition Him if we aren't supposed to ask him for anything? I never knew what to ask. I felt like I was talking to a genie in a bottle.
Cain Killed Abel
by Windchaser inabel.
he loved cain, he took care of cain.
cain would fall into a lake and pretend he was drowning.
Why does God let anyone be killed. The questions for centuries.
Need help - what is the truth...
by confuzcious inhey guys,.
i am a witness that is no longer going to meetings.. but i tell you what, i'm scared to death.. i'm really "limping on two decisions.".
what would you guys say is the one "scriptural" reason why you left the truth.. thanks.. gene.
You mentioned a letter that was written to Hitler during the war. I have never heard of that. Can you at least paraphrase it? Also I just heard about them joining the UN (Beast) about a year ago and even though I was df'd over 20 years ago, I just couldn't believe it. What was the answer that the society gave?....Not that any answer would be a justification.
Thanks, Y
A tale of three sisters.........
by Tatiana init started in 1956. a girl was born.
with lovely strawberry blonde, curly hair.
dad and mom kissing.
Tatiana, I have thought of a way that you could become financially independent. You could write a book about your life. I think it would be good enough for a movie. I am serious. You have a talent. You kept me on the edge of my seat while I was reading this. Let me see, who can play the raven haired sister.....Jennifer Connelly, the red haired sister, Kyra Sedgewich (hair dyed red) and the half sister played by Katherine Zeta-Jones. I am being dramatic but I think it would make for a wonderful movie. Your mom could be played by Diane Ladd or Sissy Spacek. You probably wouldn't want to mention the truth of which religion it is but I'm sure that when no birthdays, christmas nor easter egg hunts would come out you wouldn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Do you know any publishers? Get moving, I think you would have something here.
And you are a survivor, good "time and unforeseen occurances to you." hahah.
mind- teasers, truthbeaters... dazed
by mind inare you truly searching for answers... or are you like a spoil child lashing back with lies and truths.
i don't want to talk about the wts,or the governing body.
they are flaw and imperfect humans, just like you and me.
Dear Mind, A lot of these complaints that you read here are personal but many of them are about how "God's" organization has handled "God's people." There are issues about how they handle the pedifiles, things that the organization has written in the WT against the other churches doing the same things. The organization has belittled the Catholic Church for not allowing their followers to read articles in other religious magazines against thier own church....yet if a witness is caught reading anything against the organization or teachings of the Witnesses, they are reproved, either personally or by the elders. In other words, they are being they are just as afraid for the witnesses to, maybe, find out anything that is going on within the org.that is questionable as are the Catholics. The ongoing "new light" is keeping everyone in such a state of confusion that you don't know what you are supposed to do from month to month. I am df'd but there are many things that I still believe in from having been in it for over 20 years, but as time goes on I just can't go along with all the changes. I used to make fun of the Mormons who wouldn't allow blacks into the priesthood until Kennedy started the equal rights laws and then suddenly they had a new vision and viola, now they can. JWs are changing rules on blood, the handling of df'd relatives etc. They have changed the rules on the remnant not doing the writing of the WT etc. because they have run out of members of the remnent. A person can't go blindly through life in a strict religion without wondering if it is all worth it.
2 Elders steal 6 million dollars
by outoftheorg inthe missoulia montana paper of 12/30/02 carried the following news report.. two jehovahs witness elders, dale a. erickson and darryl k willis pleaded no contest to charges of fraud, amounting to 6 million dollar theft from an aged lady, una anderson.. it is the biggest single theft case in the history of montana, according to the prosecutors.
this is quite a long interesting news release.. it can be found at ""
this theft occured over a seven year period.
I can certainly empathize with you on the wedding "invitation." When my youngest son got married, my one daughter (out of three and two sons) and I were df'd. We were also told that we could come to the wedding but not the reception. One of my daughters sat where the mother pf the groom was supposed to sit and my df'd daughter and I sat with the rest of the audience. My unbelieving alcoholic ex-husband and father of all of my children was in the wedding pictures and we weren't. When I was raising these five children, my husband was out drinking and sleeping around while I dragged the kids to all the meetings and even took my three daughters, who at the time were 2,4 and 5 from CA to NY in a car pulling a trailer, to the 1958 assembly and it was a disaster. While I was there my husband was out drinking every night and didn't even come home all night much of the time. My dad was living with us at the time and he was the one who told me that when I returned. This man was in the wedding pictures and I wasn't. To this day, they go to his house and invite him and his new wife to all their activities. I just can't see where that is a just and fair thing. I am judged by the latter things that I did in my life rather than the 22 years of faithful service. Oh well, too little to late.
I'm new here, and a little afraid
by ydidIanswerthedoor inthe reason that i am a little afraid is that four out of my five grown children are still jws and if they knew that i was on here.....well nothing would change, would it, they don't speak to me now.
ok, i talked myself out of being afraid.
lol .
The reason that I am a little afraid is that four out of my five grown children are still JWs and if they knew that I was on here.....well nothing would change, would it, they don't speak to me now. OK, I talked myself out of being afraid. lol
I would like to give my profile but can't seem to find out how to do it. Any help will be appreciated.I am almost 70 years old/female....have three girls and two boys, 14 grandchildren and going on 3 greatgrandchildren. I got baptized in 1957 and disfellowshipped in 1981. All but three of my grandchildren are JW's so you can see that it seems like I have a pretty small family. I live about 10 miles from one son who has three daughters. The youngest daughter is 8 and I saw her for the first time last week and it was only for about 3 minutes. The other two are 12 and 14 and they don't even know me. It is very sad and when I see pictures of them when they were little (my children, that is) it makes me sorry that I every opened the door, thus my user name.
My first husband, their father, was an alcoholic and not a JW. I basically raised the kids alone. Having an alcoholic husband is like raising another child. The only thing that he did do is to support us. Now that I am df''d the JW kids go to his house and they do things together with him on occasion and it blows me away. Where was he when I was raising his kids? Never once did he go to a school function, or take them anywhere, especially the girls. He would take the boys fishing when they were a little older but that was a little too late. Well, there are more stories but I will wait for another time to cry on your shoulders.