What religion hasn't started somewhere?
And DYKJ, this is NOT a pro-JW board.
the jehovah's witnesses was begun by charles taze russell in 1872.
how can you follow a man?
a normal man started the "religion" jehovah witness.
What religion hasn't started somewhere?
And DYKJ, this is NOT a pro-JW board.
i don?t remember exactly where in jw-land i heard these experiences, but i believe they were passed around through word of mouth rather than through assemblies or publications.
urban legends?
you decide.. experience #1. faithful jw girl is dating a fellow who is studying (or was recently baptized) in order to win her love rather than because he believes jw doctrine.
I've heard of Exp #1, but they only had the Bible.
Exp #2L The man wanted to marry the sister badly. The sister, not interested, and not knowing how to get him off her shoulders told him that she wasn't going to marry him until he gets baptized. He then later becomes a Witness and then asks her again. Knowing he was baptized, and now not knowing what to say to get rid of him, she tells him that she won't marry him until he gets into the Ministerial Servant position. He goes to Mexico promising to return. She doesn't hear from him in a while. But he comes back and as a MS. The autirorium speaker goes on to say that who knows how he did it to be one. "I've done it. I'm baptized and I'm a Ministerial Servant", he says."I' haven't forgetten you and the promise i made to you. Now keep yours and marry me." Well finally she said 'okay' (very exciting) at that moment. Wedding day: After both saying 'I do', he tells her '"Turn around and look at the hall, because it?s the last time you?ll see the inside of a Kingdom Hall."
i know this has been shown once before but when i read it again today and saw the boy crying in the courtroom it just made me sick with anger.
i'm so angry that the jw's let their children stick out so much that they get teased and picked on.
i'm angry that this boy was punished when defending himself.
have to go to school and be mistreated by other children because their parents are brainwashed.
i wrote to him to express my utmost respect for him and his wife and all they did by writing his books.
i wasn't going to say anything about it to anyone because i thought maybe that would be disrespectful to him.
to day in rereading it for the 20th time i just felt so melonchly about it.
Sure. Franz persecuted by the JWs? Please.
If JWs are a cult, then every religion is. The same can be said about community organizations. They all use use some sort of 'mind-control'. Hard-core Patriotism is an example. And even discrimination.
a while ago it was asked what your ethnic background was and only 2 said they were some percent black.
why do you think few black people actively speak out against wt?
few african-americans can be seen protesting at assemblies.
A while ago it was asked what your ethnic background was and only 2 said they were some percent black. Why do you think few black people actively speak out against WT? . Few african-americans can be seen protesting at assemblies.
the centerpiece of san diego's revitalized downtown is horton plaza, an 11.5-acre multi-level shopping and entertainment complex, with shops, restaurants, three major department stores, a 14-screen cinema and a performing arts theatre.
it now eclipses the once popular balboa theatre where i saw my first bruce lee movie, enter the dragon along with my first jackie chan movie, the big brawl.
recently, two jehovah?s witnesses, dressed neatly in cheap suits and ties sat motionless in folding chairs behind a vinyl card table directly in the flow of pedestrian shoppers, arms folded, smug smiles on their pasty faces.
No, not with tables. I've seen them in Shopping malls.
anyone have any thoughts on american idol lately.. i was really dismayed when they voted jennifer off two weeks ago.
it looks like she will still have a career though.. john stevens is just so nice but he needs voice lessons, as paula suggested for him.. who do you think will win?.
at this point, i think it's between diana and latoya.
I could believe that bad Jennifer Hudson was voted off. But i was surprised that LaToya and Fantasia were.
i'v been lurking for a while now, reading many of the messages, and thought now's as good as time as any to say hi and tell ya'll a little about me.
i was raised a jw, and am currently still in "good standing", although inactive.
i went to the memorial and special talk and a recent special day ca, but few meetings or fs in quite some time.
I do not know how you can say that you are in "good standing" and, yet, inactive.