Jehovahs Witness Is A Cult?
by Spooner 63 Replies latest watchtower bible
lol Here we go again.
I mean all your beliefs are focused around false translations of the bible, and o no cover your ears, I'm speaking like the devil....
I think you will find we all agree with you.
I mean all your beliefs are focused around false translations of the bible, and o no cover your ears, I'm speaking like the devil....
Welcome to the board.
El blanko
The governing body of JWs do indeed exert a cult like control over members.
If you are interested in breaking apart the belief system of the average JW try:
Crisis Of Conscience & In Search Of Christian Freedom both written by Raymond Franz. Rather good old bean... pip pip.
ah well then thats all good, cuz I'm Catholic, i was afraid somebody will start yelling at me, haha
and actually it is a cult, any religion that won't let people hear arguements is considered a cult
El blanko
all your beliefs are focused around false translations of the bible
I take issue there Spooner as much as I'd love to agree with you. You need to be more specific about which belief you are attacking.