You should have worked to make this high paying job interesting.....
but I do strongly feel you need to work toward doing what you love.
ever worked in a job that literally bored you too tears.. my job prior to this used to do just that.
somehow i got relegated to the 'reports team'.
note that the team consisted of one person - myself.
You should have worked to make this high paying job interesting.....
but I do strongly feel you need to work toward doing what you love.
i work at a bookstore that buys books for cash directly from the public.. we get maybe eighty or ninety people a day lugging in horrendously filthy boxes filled with roach droppings, mold, ancient dust and, oh yes, books.. among these books there is the occasional "find".. but, mostly (and disappointingly) it is 97% garbage.. today a fellow brought in three boxes full of typical dusty and unkempt books to sell his aunt was "getting rid of" that he thought he'd convert into easy cash.. i took his i.d.
and phone number and then looked at the boxes.. they were all jehovah's witness books!
bound volumes going back to the 50's, all the booklets, books, concordance, interlinear, bibles, etc.
I think you should make choices with your head, instead of your heart. You could have gotten some big bucks on E-bay for these items........
regret, anger frustration?
how about sadness, sorrow, sympathy, understanding, even yearning!.
it can be quite confusing at times.
I see what motivated, sincere people. Imagine with their good intentions, if it went toward something that REALLY mattered, like Habitat for Humanity. Imagine what tremendous good could be done with the amount of time spent in field service, if it was directed toward a charitable cause..........
But I guess the old men in Brooklyn know best, right????
Think for yourself BABY!!!!
by that, i mean you do not want to have children.. i have been told since birth it would not be safe for me to have children, so i never even considered it.
i never went through a grieving period because the concept of having babies was not something i once had and lost.
i always envisioned myself as a happy career woman.. i recently married and am still sure i don't want children.
Guess I was always a rebel. I wanted a child even though my husband didn't. He made an appointment to be sterolized and I made sure there was an "accident".
We are divourced now.
I am happy with my choices. I have had the priviledge to raise a beautiful, talented, "looks just like me" daughter, just like I wanted. Yes, it was hard work, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
But I do support a woman's eight to choose. I chose to have my daughter and I am very glad she is here.
i have only to turn into any road or street and if there are any jws operating within my area of vision i can pick them out.. it may only be something that occurs in uk but they actually walk at half speed.
yet if i see any local jw in the town shopping they fly along, except the very old ones.
we are in the end of the end time.
As the runner I am, I clocked some witnesses walking door to door with my Forerunner 201 GPS. They are going at 53 minute miles. At this pace, it was take 23 hours and 14 minutes to finish a full marathon.
Aren't they suposed to be running the race for life?
Even 80 year olds who run full marathons, this is 26.2 miles can finish in under 7 hours.
Laziness is going on with this slow walk to the next door.
i know a lot of young people leave the 'truth'.
but i would never have thought that so many of us with 20, 30, 40 years in would be leaving.
what do you think accounts for that?
I was raised in the "truth" and am 37. I quit going after the "new light" about the understanding of a generation.
This new information really served to make God look like a liar. For example, if your place of employement, where you served faithfully for years (and in our case, all voluntarily), you were promised a retirement plan, that you had paid into and your employer paid into, but when it was time to pay up, the employer said, "You must have misunderstood what I was telling you, there is no retirement plan, but you can still work here for the rest of your life." This would make your employer look like a lying scoundrel.
When all along the real promises made to us from God had nothing to do with earning salvation through endless hours in field service and constant mind numbing meetings, but was the pure and simple truth that belief in the ransom sacrifice is our only true salvation.
So for me it was the old adage, "Fool me once (1975) shame on you, fool me twice (1994) shame on me."
it's weird.
i haven't been to a meeting in eight years, but at least once a month, i have a dream that i'm at a meeting or out in service or at an assembly or in some other witness-related situation.
it's like those school dreams where you dream you have a calculus final that morning and you haven't been to class all semester.
Unfortunately the reality is the true nightmare........
Yes, sometimes have dreams I am a witness still, betraying my own true self to be with my family who I miss so much.
mine was when my mom signed me up to sit at a table at our local university.
we had to sit there and talk to students as they passed by our table.
a few people came up to start a conversation and i didn't even know what they were talking about.
After the "mistake" that Armageddon was not coming in 1975, the most humilating point was the "new light" in 1994 that Armageddon was not coming in my lifetime after all.
All the missed opportunities, college, advancement at work, choice of husband.....all poor choices based on what some old men in Brooklyn said I should do in order to survive Armageddon.
I realized right at that point Armageddon was the same as hellfire in other religions. A means to manitpulate and deceive.
I have made many positive, educate choices since.
how many are managers/supervisors and have to deal with one or two employees who are complete and udder nightmares, i.e.
not staying in their desk, always behind, always a crisis and have to leave work, has a smart-ass attitude when counseling or cries when you tell them what they need to be doing?
i have one that my boss hired as soon as i was promoted and i have to manage that employee and my boss knew about this person was when they was hired!!
I too, am a supervisor. From years of experience, you will always have one or too "challenging" associates, this is part of your job. When one leaves, a new different challenging associate comes on board.
As a responsible supervisors, it is our job to try to motivate this employee to change. Easier said than done, put nevertheless, very much part of the job when you step up to the challenge of being "in charge".
I work for a large company with many chances given before the decision to terminate is made. So these individuals stay on the team for many months, bringing down the energy of the group. Extra time has to be spent keeping up the postive energy of the rest of the team who always do their job.
I took several courses at the local university of how to motivate employees and found this extremely helpful. My company even paid for the education costs!
So I feel your pain so to speak and wish you well an the continuing challenges that lay ahead!
not just one you have seen - or even researched since leaving.
but the oldest one you recall studying when you 'got the truth' or as a child?.
i remember "let god be true" - 'babylon the great has fallen'- and 'paradise restored - paradise regained' [the big orangish/pink book - hope i got the name right] - all 50's early 60's books.
"Your Youth-Getting the Best Out of It" was red, not pink. The "Great Teacher" book was for little kids and it was pink. As many of you have mentioned, there was a peach book called, "Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained".
For me, the first big, big deal book was released in Yankee Stadium in 1970 and it was "The Truth that Leads to Everlasting Life".
As far as a study goes, I was raised in the truth, never missed a meeting, never missed Saturday morning field service and was a regular pioneer since 13 so a Bible study with me personally was deemed not necessary. I was the one who conducted the study.
The oldest important book I remeber, and I am betraying my age with this one, is the many, many versions of the New World Translation until we finally have this very thick green Bible. I personally had this thick green Bible.