Like they always say, you only live once. Make the best of everyday and enjoy life to the fullest. You just don't know if you'll be here tomorrow.
It's depressing to think of how so many JWs lead unhappy, empty lives waiting for Armageddon to come and wash all their problems away. Many will go on being puppets of the WTS and never see that paradise they long for. And before long, they're dead. What a waste.
I used to know some fairly intelligent brothers and sisters at the hall and it is amazing how blinded they are by the WTS.
With the power of the Internet, freedom is only a few clicks away.
Perhaps printing up flyers with the "" web site address and placing them outside the KH some night might help? Sure they'd read it and initially throw it away, but curiousity would eventually lead them here? How about the title: "Are you tired of wasting your life at the meetings?"