Embarrassing stories..

by Aztec 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Aztec

    Does anyone have any really embarrassing stories? My worst story: When I was 15 I went to a slumber party at my best friends house. I couldn't sleep so I got up to watch tv with her older brother. We watched MTV for about an hour but we started to get bored and we began making out. Well, that continued most of the night and into the morning. When daylight started to break we decided we better quit cause everyone would be up soon. My friend decided we should all go to the beach but her brother and I decided we would rather be alone. Everyone else left and this is where I go baaaaad. Not to give away all of the details but lets just say some removal of clothing followed when lo and behold who walks in but his momma! She blamed the entire thing on her son and gave me a long talk on "not giving in to fleshly temptation". I guess she figured since I wasn't baptised there was no need to tell anyone. She didn't even tell my dad. Needless to say I never got invited to sleep over again.


  • Aztec

    Okay, so, well, do you?

    Noone is responding...*sigh*


  • LB

    Well most recent one is from saturday night. I'm coaching my boys basketball team and the gym is packed. It's a battle between two undefeated teams. I'm storming around on the sidelines as usual when one of my players mentions that my zipper is all the way down and everyone has noticed. When I yank it back up I get a standing ovation from the crowd.

  • Buster

    So, a Witness girl asked me to take her friend to the Bellingham prom. It would be fun. My friend would go with Rita and I would take ... I forget her name. Anyway, she and I talked on the phone a couple times and decided it would be easier at the prom if we went out once before. Great idea huh?

    So I picked her up to take her to the movies. So far, so good. Except, I, or we, decide to see "Friday the 13th." Now these slasher films may seem uproariously silly today. But back then they were new. Bad combination - I'm a coward, and this is one scary flick. I spent the whole movie with both hands on the chair arms, in abject, white-knuckled fear. The only good part was the end. I was so happy. All the killing complete, sun coming up, the last pretty girl survives in the canoe - remember?

    Remember when the body leaps out of the water and drags that last girl under? ... accompanied by a sudden jolt of music? Well I sure do. I was so scared, I jumped up onto the chair arm between us - reaching across her to the next arm. I was so scared, I didn't come to my senses until the cognitive part of the brain heard the boys behind us laughing - yup, at my expense.

    Does anyone know where the love of god goes when the trip from the arm back into one's seat takes hours?

    Epilogue: Nope, she found a reason to go to the prom with someone else. But I went anyway, with a girl that was voted prom princess. And I wore my green velvet suit (Another emabarassing story that I've already told on another thread).

  • Mac

    LB: People applaud when the zipper goes up...................be worried, very, very worried!!


    Edited by - mac on 14 January 2003 2:11:15

  • Buster

    I posted this on a 'clothes' thread a couple months back:

    OK, this is painful to share. I was in my late teens during the height of the disco era. So, I just had to have my hair parted down the middle. No it didn't want to go there by iteself, so I got a ... a .... perm - j ust a wave-perm that my 15-year-old sister did. Even so, it took a dog's age to blow-dry it so it would lay down on the upstream side, sort of.

    But here goes (ouch!):

    -Green VELVET Three-piece suit with a gold silk lining. Oh yeah, tight enough to read the year of the quarter in my pants pocket.

    -Wide, tooled leather green belt.

    -Light green BIG-collar plastic shirt.

    -But to finish off the look, the piesta resistance - Green Patent Leather shoes, white tops, green tassles

    I used to wear that monstrosity to the hall. I was in a clothes-horse competition with Darryl D. I thought it would be cathartic to write this. But I'm not so sure.

  • SheilaM

    Oh so many stories so little time...

    Well in HS I had long hair that went down past my butt, I was known as "ya know the girl with the really shiny long brown hair". Anyways I was on my first date with someone I forget who, we were at the movie theatre that was called Truman corners as you walked into the theatre to pay there was a large staircase to the left the bathrooms projector rooms etc were upstairs.

    I had gone upstairs to go potty and saw two girls being catty winches and I was determined to ignore them. I did my business then had to walk past them to get to the stairs, this was 1980 and I had on a pair of candies wooden high heels and jeans (thank god I had on jeans) well I tossed my mane of hair back as I passed the girls and proceeded to walk down the stairs, well I intended to walk down the stairs but when I am upset I walk very HARD so my right foot hit the heel BROKE!!!! and I tumbled ass over elbows down the HUGE staircase. My purse spilled everything was strewn down the stairs including my tampons I landed in a heap at the bottom! Security ran over to me I had my head down I looked up saw his gun and told him "shoot me PULEEESE just shoot me". I was so mortified.

    Needless to say he wouldn't put me out of my misery, the boy came and grabbed me by my arm and I thumped my way to the movie one High heel on and one off!!!!

    Edited by - SheilaM on 14 January 2003 14:46:22

  • Buster

    This one is from my twenties.

    My then-wife and I went to Epcot center. We went throught the technology pavilion and on the ride inside. Anyway, the ride goes slowly past this exhibit and that, explaining all sorts of interesting technology stuff. Shortly before it ended there was a flash - no big deal. But as we came around the corner I saw to my horror what the flash was for. As each car came through, it displayed a huge photo of the riders - to ... I don't know how many cars back. Oh, my wife was fine. But I was about a knucle-and-a-half up my right nostril.

    That one gave me flashbacks for about 10 years.

  • Beans

    Well it was a long weekend and back then the beer stores weren't open on Sundays, so I thought ahead and bought beer! Well I was the only one who did so at the party all my beer got drank and some people brought liquors so we had no glasses so I strarted making shooters in a vase!

    So half an hour later I am toast and I go pass out behind the heater and know one knows where I am as I can hear them all looking for me. So I wake up and I'm walking around like a fart in a trance, up to the fridge I go drop my pants with the door opened and am standing there. Then I walk into the living room drop to my knees open the drawer and start pissing in it!

    I hated the guy anyways who was having the party, he was a real wanker! I like to think of it as one of my great achievements!


  • wednesday

    This happened in my 20's. I was driving my little compact car in a residential area. I had all my cleaning supplies in back seat, b/c i cleaned houses at that time(like many Jws)I had the a tape in and was blasting janis joplin, and singing my heart out. I did not notive i was going about 60 in a residential area. I did not notice a police officer following me. Finally , the officer got my attention andi stopped. he was laughing so hard, and said, he really hated to have to give me a ticket,b/c i looked like i was having so much fun. I was so embarassed. Didn't do any more concerts for a while.

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