Does anyone have any really embarrassing stories? My worst story: When I was 15 I went to a slumber party at my best friends house. I couldn't sleep so I got up to watch tv with her older brother. We watched MTV for about an hour but we started to get bored and we began making out. Well, that continued most of the night and into the morning. When daylight started to break we decided we better quit cause everyone would be up soon. My friend decided we should all go to the beach but her brother and I decided we would rather be alone. Everyone else left and this is where I go baaaaad. Not to give away all of the details but lets just say some removal of clothing followed when lo and behold who walks in but his momma! She blamed the entire thing on her son and gave me a long talk on "not giving in to fleshly temptation". I guess she figured since I wasn't baptised there was no need to tell anyone. She didn't even tell my dad. Needless to say I never got invited to sleep over again.