@ ÁrbolesdeArabia - Where to start?
So you are saying that Stalin and Mao's expressed atheism was the reason for their actions rather than the fact they were simply evil men?
Hitler was an atheist? He was a Christian who towards the end of his life may have shifted to a deistic world view. He actually on occasion spoke up in defence of the Christian faith and was known to compare himself to Jesus.
I could ask you why any atheist would want to hear about all the millions of people who have died over the centuries at the hands of the Christian church? But you know what? Unlike you I do not tar all Christians with the same brush. Sure I believe they are deluded and I don't understand why how they could believe in something so obviously untrue but on the whole they are good people and if they want to waste their life waiting for an afterlife that will never come that is their choice not mine. For example you choose to believe in the Biblical Great Flood despite it being proven without doubt never to have happened and said story being a stock myth from every pre-Christian Babylonian religion (if their version is untrue then how comes the Christian variation is?)
Stocks and shares and the corporate business model existed centuries before public expression of atheism became socialy acceptable so I fail to see what point you are making by mentioning them.
You ask "if there is no God why not steal and take from the weakest?" I answer because in the vast majority of cases it is wrong to take something that is not yours certainly if that person has greater need for it than yourself.
I know that when I die I will not have to answer to any sort of supernatural deity but that in no way gives me any excuse to needlessly steal or lie or cheat or kill, and how dare you imply that immorality is the default atheist mindset.