Hitler wanted to replace Christianity with paganism? Good man! Shame pretty much everything else he said or did was utter horse ****.
JoinedPosts by BobFlanagan007
I never realized that Hitler's persecution of the Witnesses was worse than that of the Jews
by ThomasCovenant in'the terrible persecution of jehovahs witnesses by hitler, worse than that he inflicted on the jews, took place.
'' wt 1966 15th oct page 635.
Malawi Party Card vs US Passport HYPOCRISY of Gibbering Buddy
by hamsterbait inas we all know jws were persecuted in malawi, beaten tortured and murdered, because they would not purchase (for about 70 cents) a card saying they support the political rule at that time.
if they did they wd be df .. what must a us citizen do in order to get a passport - and how in god's name do the wt leaders get one without a compromise nobody else wd be allowed to make?.
is this another case like the change on vaccinations in 53,because nathan homo knorrr knew he cd die of tropical diseases touring the third world.
01: US citizens have to sign an oath that get a passport? Really? Last time I checked it was 2014. Strange country. 02: The governing body have diplomatic passports? LMFAO.
JW.ORG Logo Denied Trademark Status by United States Patent and Trademark Office
by jwleaks inthe jehovahs witnesses official web site logo incorporating jw.org has been refused registration by the united states patent and trademark office due to similarity to jw player.. section 2(d) refusal likelihood of confusionclass 42. for the reasons set forth below, the refusal under trademark act section 2(d) is now made final with respect to u.s. registration no(s).
this refusal is limited to the class 42 services in the application.. applicants mark is jw.org & design, for use with, inter alia, providing a web site that gives computer users the ability to download audio and video recordings, dvds, music, digital print publications, online publications, documents, forms and web pages all in the field of religion, in class 42. the cited mark is jw player, for use with downloadable computer software for playing, viewing and streaming audio and video files in class 09.. .
documents available to download at jw leaks.. http://jwleaks.org/2014/06/19/jw-org-logo-denied-trademark-status-in-the-united-states/.
At Oubliette - 1) they use almost the same typeface. 2) the JWPlayer logo usually doesn't feature the JW squiggle to it's left. 3) both logos are usually white text on a black background. 4) jw.org is pretty similar to jwplayer.com. 5) both are providing web based download and streaming services. IMO that sounds like good grounds to deny them the trademark, which as pointed out above is different from denying them copyright of jw.org
Mock the Week Joke
by konceptual99 indid anyone else in the uk see mock the week last night?
it had the first jw joke i have heard for some time on tv...... i bought an advent calendar for jehovah's witnesses.
behind every door it said "f**k off".. i creased up..
Nice one. Gonna try and remember that joke.
The Beast-Tower #11: God's View of Trolling
by sd-7 in"did god really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?
" with those words, satan the devil became the first troll.
(gen. 3:1) what is trolling?
Brilliant. Someone please make that into a YouTube video.
Your final WTF? Moment!
by restrangled init was a long time coming for me.....when i read about the extened generations, after being raised on1914 being the be all end all, and millions would never die....that was the end.
i was part of the 1975 fiasco, the 6 month only truth book studies, suffered through a disifellowshipping and their version of a rewind.
i finally am free and hope others can eventually look in instead of inside looking out!
1914 and it's over lapping generations was also my final WTF wake up moment. Even though I'm out they still manage the odd shock such as their recent claim not to be creationists or the sickeningly heartless way they dealed with the local(ish) Johnathan Rose paedophile scandal.
JWs cheat the least??
by lambsbottom inhow do ya figure this!??.
@ millie210 - I don't get the point you're trying to make.
Two points of entry for the Dallas Convention?
by CaptainSchmideo inanyone else hear about this?
i got this second hand from my wife, who got it from her mom.. .
apparently, there will be two points of entry to the convention.
So is this to keep the JWs away from non-JWs or is it just another example of yet more Yankee post 9/11 paranoia (please USA, it was 13 years ago, get over it)?
WT edit to Wiki
by Poztate inthe gang in brooklyn must be very busy.
the wt ranks # 29 of all pages on wiki for editing.
Oh god, that Fred Franz wiki entry is the funniest thing I've seen all day. And yes Lois that indeed was an old prank edit. Wonder how long that stayed up for?
New Scientist Article: God not-botherers: Religious apathy reigns
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229671.500-god-notbotherers-religious-apathy-reigns.html#.u2je8vco7mr.
god not-botherers: religious apathy reigns.
01 may 2014across the developed world, people are losing interest in god without becoming atheists.
@ The Scotsman - Since when has a decline in professed religious belief been the main factor effecting living standards in the UK? I don't really see any connection between the two things.