"Grace is a 10!"
I loled
this youtube video cheered me up.
"Grace is a 10!"
I loled
the watchtower is a vicious, pompous, vindictive, arrogant....book printing business.
(author unknown).so what.
you can spend your mornings watching any number of youtube videos that will absolutely make your blood boil.
sspo asks "...he's a just and righteous God. Why can't he intervene?"
Because he doesn't exist?
is this just another example of the bible being inconsistent/contradictory ?
or is it screwed up wt.theology.. what`s your thoughts.
SIGH,,,,,, my post has been hijacked by comedians , all males I guess LOL
Arev`t their any females out their who could add a serious comment or two ?
Sorry but as an ex-JW it's hard to take anything regarding God, the Bible or the Watchtower seriously.
However as we can safely say that God does not exist, that the Bible is just a random bunch of semi-lost unattributed ancient mystical writings and the Watchtower is a vile high control cult I see no reason to worry about taking the p*** out of any of them.
is this just another example of the bible being inconsistent/contradictory ?
or is it screwed up wt.theology.. what`s your thoughts.
A typical JW answer to this question will be something like:"Heavenly creatures don't have vaginas or penises."
"So, when annointed women go to heaven, their vaginas will be sewed up. Likewise, males will have their penises cut off... ouch (it hurts just thinking about it)..."
For some reason my favourite Bible verse comes to mind.
"If a man's testicles are crushed or his penis is cut off, he may not be admitted to the assembly of the LORD." Deuteronomy 23:1
Silly words of members of a silly cult based on interpritations of a silly book supposedly inspired by a silly god.
what are the passwords for on jw.org?
are there different levels of pass?
have the passwords ever been leaked?
Oh to have some of those passwords and codes, imagine the immature mischief that could be had (probably not much)
so you found out it is all bs but due to family and friends you don't want to be disfellowshipped and shunned.
you have to go to these rediculous meetings maybe even engage in corporation sponsored magazine drives to get the propaganda into the homes of your neighbor in hopes of making another corporation zombie mystified by childish magical thinking, of a jealous deity that wants you to work for the corporation finacial interest or else die for your lack of corporation loyalty.. it is a stressful sitiuation with all kinds of trip wires one has to beware of in order not to be heading into some back room kangaroo court where obediance to the almighty corporation is the bottom line, and a fair hearing of the facts is last on the list of importance.. one consolation is that one may eventually get friends and family out of this demanding and destructive cult with patients and passage of time.. so what ideas would you like to pass on to readers?
what are some of subversive activities one can engage in while stuck in this nasty bit of mandatory corporation exercises of preaching, selling, and building?.
"I'm so stumbled, there's no love in this congregation, it's bad for my relationship with jehovah to associate with ones who would freely watch a 15 (or NC-17) rated movie"
15? A group of us from my old congregation each got a major bollocking from an elder for going to see a 12 (Forrest Gump)
Pathetic organisation.
Not sure what advice I can give the OP, sorry.
and the final score is 78 to 22!.
oh wait!
we need clarity for this to mean anything.. .
Considering there is no evidence that Super Magic Hippy Jesus as described in Yahweh's Big Book of Fairy Tales (aka The Bible) ever existed shouldn't the scholars have found 100% of the sayings Jesus is purported to have said are, in fact, NOT historically accurate?
church officials hushed up a child sex scandal in their ranks and refused to co-operate with police.. .
jehovah witness ministerial servant gordon leighton admitted sexually abusing a child when he was confronted by his church elders, a court heard.. but during the official police investigation, the 53-year-old who made headlines in the 1990s when wife yvonne, 28, died after refusing a blood transfusion after childbirth on religious grounds denied any illegal wrongdoing.. and when detectives asked elders simon preyser, harry logan and david scott to make statements about the confession, all three refused and said what they had heard was confidential.. for three years, the elders refused to co-operate with the criminal investigation and kept up that stance when the case was brought before newcastle crown court after the victim made a complaint to police.. each was issued with a witness summons which they fought to overturn before being ordered to testify by judge penny moreland citing public interest.. their barrister richard daniels said the men had a duty to god not to breach confidence.. he added: privileged communication between members of the congregation and ministers is an absolute right and duty and there is no power in law to breach such a confidence.. judge moreland said: it is apparent that the three elders who were present when this conversation took place are in possession of relevant evidence as to a point which is of real significance in this case.. they claim the right of confidentiality, they claim that what they heard said by the defendant during the course of that meeting ought to be subject to privilege, as ministers of religion.. judge moreland refused to withdraw the summonses and said: public interest is clearly in favour of this evidence being given.. what was said by the defendant on that occasion is of great significance in the trial.. despite the judges ruling, the men still refused to make statements to police until just hours before they were called before the jury.. leighton, who has since been expelled from the church at lambton kingdom hall in washington, denied two charges of indecency with a child and seven of indecent assault.. he was yesterday found guilty of two charges of indecency with a child and six of indecent assault.
he was found not guilty of one indecent assault charge, on the direction of the judge.. he was remanded in custody until he is sentenced next month but warned he is facing a lengthy spell behind bars.. prosecutor katherine dunn told the court the victim, who is now an adult, broke her silence in 2009.. the court heard how at a special church meeting, leighton admitted sexual abuse and made excuses for his behaviour.. miss dunn said: the elders conducted their own investigation.
Prime said - Apostates salivate over anything scandalous and will exploit, exaggerate and even tell outright lies about the Witnesses. It would take all of about five seconds to prove that. Now, you are accusing me of being a pedophile because I'm relaying the facts as stated in court cases, this and other articles.
And the winner of stupidest post of 2013 on JWnet goes to...
disgusting..... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2365992/gordon-leighton-child-abuse-trial-orders-jehovahs-witness-leaders-evidence.html.
Nice to see this story is now making the national press. What a complete bunch of shits.