Cleveland and Detroit would not be at the top of my list.
Rub a Dub
i do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
Cleveland and Detroit would not be at the top of my list.
Rub a Dub
i guess that banksy (the mysterious artist) will now probably be accused of being anti-semitic for expressing his opinions.
if that occurs, then the international court of justice must be anti-semitic too, based on their opinion!.
Yes, we have been there, at least in the lobby of the hotel. If you are in Israel (Jerusalem or Tel Aviv) and do the West Bank tour, that is one of the typical stops.
I remember one of the biggest pictures on the wall was a mural of Trump and Netanyahu kissing. It was maybe 15 feet (5 meters) tall. Kind of creepy actually.
It's definitely worth seeing the West Bank if you are ever there (provided you are not Israeli since it is illegal to go there. We saw numerous big signs saying your life would be in danger if you enter the area). The same goes for Jericho and other cities in the West Bank.
Overall, very interesting.
Rub a Dub
has this guy lost it?
who thinks like that?.
I like how Dolly Pardon handles it.
scary21 ...
Yes, Dolly Pardon has extremely fine handles.
Rub a Dub
has this guy lost it?
who thinks like that?.
Rub, seriously, what’s up with that poster? Did I Disfellowship him 20 years ago or something??
Min ...
You must have done something that we don't know about ... wow.
There is a lot of stuff you and I may not personally agree on but wow, that was over the line. As Reagan and Tip O'Neill did back in the day, they could agree to disagree and go out and have a beer (or three).
High fives to you brother.
Rub a Dub
has this guy lost it?
who thinks like that?.
Even if I didn’t like a person I wouldn’t wish to see them with a bag of shit on their face.
Min ...
I think the poster attacking you the other day deserved it.
Just my thought.
Rub a Dub
has this guy lost it?
who thinks like that?.
De Niro is the equivalent of MSNBC.
Trump is the equivalent of Fox News.
They are both totally screwed up.
Rub a Dub
i do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
Pete Z ...
The West Palm Beach area is nice but if it were me, I would go an hour further north to the Stuart area. Still within easy driving distance to West Palm Beach or Ft. Lauderdale airports but less expensive and less traffic. Plenty of malls and stores. You will have a dozen or more big name golfers (including Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, etc.) as neighbors down the road in Jupiter.
My wife and I have Stuart as one of our places to retire to (or the Keys if we can afford it) when the time comes.
Rub a Dub
a precedent has been established .if it happened once it can happen again..
Full disclosure: I am still in.
But I never did understand why if you create something and it breaks, that you just keep making more and more.
Man sinned, or broke, the talking snake, Satan, whatever.
If you are on a production line, you stop the line and fix it, right?
What am I missing?
Rub a Dub
i do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
I have with the southeast is that stupid bible belt--at least Maine and Montana are not part of that abomination.
WTWizard ...
Just to correct a point, southeast Florida is as far away from the Bible Belt as you can believe. Northern Florida, possibly yes, but that is 400 to 500 miles from us down here in South Florida.
Yes, fire ants are bastards. Water moccasins? Well, you rarely see one (except my wife did have one in her office recently and they had to clear everyone out). Bees????? I have never seen those big hornets nests like I grew up with outside of NYC.
Yes, wages are a shit here compared to the cost of real estate. Just sooooooo much money comes here from Europe and especially South America as a "safe" place to invest. Similar to Manhattan.
But then, if you are offended by multi-culturalism, this is not the place to be. There is such an arrogant and IMO, an unnecessary disdain among the cultures.
Cubans don't like Puerto Ricans, Pervians don't like Equadorians, Chileans don't like Peruvians, Columbians don't like anybody. The list goes on and on. And nobody in South America likes anyone in Central America.They consider them shit.
I really don't get it. As an American, we make fun at times of the way the British and Australians talk, and how they drive on the wrong side of the road. But that's about it. Canadians are our neighbors and end every sentence with Ya' know?. It's fine with me. I like Tim Horton's when I have been there, probably 50 times or more. New Zealand also sounds like a beautiful place.
But, wow, latinos have this inherent thing about status. Don't argue with me, my wife is a latina from Columbia. I could mention almost every country in South America and she would have a comment (generally not good unless it is Argentina or Chile).
I guess us Gringos are more calm in that respect.
Rub a Dub
in the us there is a bill in the house of representatives to decriminalize prostitution.
what do you think about that?.
On a side note, my wife and I have been to Costa Rica a couple of times (where prostitution is legal) and when we are checking into a hotel, they have always looked at her and asked her "Are you with him?" and then ask to see her passport.
It really pisses Mrs. Rub a Dub (originally from Columbia) off when they ask her that.
I personally find it amusing.
Rub a Dub