I have with the southeast is that stupid bible belt--at least Maine and Montana are not part of that abomination.
WTWizard ...
Just to correct a point, southeast Florida is as far away from the Bible Belt as you can believe. Northern Florida, possibly yes, but that is 400 to 500 miles from us down here in South Florida.
Yes, fire ants are bastards. Water moccasins? Well, you rarely see one (except my wife did have one in her office recently and they had to clear everyone out). Bees????? I have never seen those big hornets nests like I grew up with outside of NYC.
Yes, wages are a shit here compared to the cost of real estate. Just sooooooo much money comes here from Europe and especially South America as a "safe" place to invest. Similar to Manhattan.
But then, if you are offended by multi-culturalism, this is not the place to be. There is such an arrogant and IMO, an unnecessary disdain among the cultures.
Cubans don't like Puerto Ricans, Pervians don't like Equadorians, Chileans don't like Peruvians, Columbians don't like anybody. The list goes on and on. And nobody in South America likes anyone in Central America.They consider them shit.
I really don't get it. As an American, we make fun at times of the way the British and Australians talk, and how they drive on the wrong side of the road. But that's about it. Canadians are our neighbors and end every sentence with Ya' know?. It's fine with me. I like Tim Horton's when I have been there, probably 50 times or more. New Zealand also sounds like a beautiful place.
But, wow, latinos have this inherent thing about status. Don't argue with me, my wife is a latina from Columbia. I could mention almost every country in South America and she would have a comment (generally not good unless it is Argentina or Chile).
I guess us Gringos are more calm in that respect.
Rub a Dub