The "older" ones here (I guess I fall into that category having now reached the big 60), remember when we had a paper-thin 3 or 4 page thing that we glued into our NWT's. It had the NWT rendering of a scripture in one column, the Authorized Version in another, and the Catholic Douay in another (I think they are the two other ones).
You used to use that when you were placing the NWT, typically in January if I remember correctly. It was to show how good the NWT was compared to the others.
I just remember a scripture in 1 Corinthians (I think) where the other versions said "everything sold in a shambles" and the NWT used the word "meat market" instead of shambles.
We used that, and other verses, to show how much better the NWT was and then hoped to place a bible.
Wow, that was a long time ago.
Rub a Dub