As always, thank you so much.
Rub a Dub
2020-02-s-147--announcements and reminders.
2020-02-s-126-e--memorial chairman.
As always, thank you so much.
Rub a Dub
i don't understand it.
we have a president who is typically considered a model for what young people want to be when they grow up.
yet, when trump talks, the tv networks keep bleeping out so many of his words, even on fox news.. why?
better previous presidents be role models for the youth of America - how about Obama with his lies and lack of respect for the citizens of the country - other than liberals.
LV101 ...
So if you have a son and your options would be to have Obama or Trump which would you choose?
You must be joking. What number wife is Trump on now?
I never recall Obama bragging about how he can get any pu**y he wants whenever he wants.
LV101, I guess it goes down to your own values. I guess we have different upbringings and values.
I was not raised in a barn.
Rub a Dub
i don't understand it.
we have a president who is typically considered a model for what young people want to be when they grow up.
yet, when trump talks, the tv networks keep bleeping out so many of his words, even on fox news.. why?
I never got the impression from anyone that D.T is considered a role model for young people
Pete ...
I guess I grew up in a generation (maybe overlapping ... lol) where the President of the United States was considered a role model for young people to aspire to be. You asked a young person (usually a boy) and asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Often, it would be "President".
Those days are long gone, I agree.
Rub a Dub
Rivergang ...
If I had even thought of posting something similar to what you posted I would have been afraid of getting remarks that I was arrogant.
Bless you my friend. But I do have to admit, I had to look at that calculation several times before I would even try to begin to solve it. But today we have Excel. I wonder how many people in the world today could do a square root on paper as I was taught to do "back in the day (late 70's)."? .. lol
I know very little about electrical theory or electrical engineering. But I can't begin to imagine the number of supporting notes, references and documents that Wenner must have used to arrive with his formula.
Rub a Dub
Doctor Who ...
Thank you. But what you responded was not needed, but again, thank you.
In re-reading what I said, it was more harsh than what I was actually trying to convey.
Maybe we both can help others here to be more respectful even when we have different viewpoints of matters.
Peace my friend.
Rub a Dub
so a few things .... apparently it's superbowl 54, and also the centennial of the sport.
erm ... i'm not a mathematician, but aren't there 46 superbowls missing?.
americans claim that uk sport ("soccer", aka real football) is too low scoring.
Can’t watch such a boring game knowing half will end in a tie also doesn’t help.
Crazyguy2 ...
There are some rule changes in soccer (football) that would make the game MUCH more interesting. I could think of about 10. A few would include:
- Allow substitutions and keep fresh guys running around instead of tired ones standing around trying to catch their breath.
- Ball goes out of bounds, the clock stops. None of this delaying the game and holding the ball when you are ahead. The clock doesn't start until the ball is thrown in and touched by someone.
- When a guy gets injured (or more likely fakes an injury) the clock stops.
- After a shot on goal, the goalie has 10 seconds to put the ball in play. Hold it longer, and there will be a corner kick.
- The game clock is the real clock, as in any other sport I know of. None of this "extra time" with the referee pulling minutes out of his ass which interestingly are always full minutes.
- Offsides. Just have three lines as in ice hockey. No "moving" offsides where about a third of the time, after watching the replay, the call is wrong. Just have a line on each side where the ball has to pass before the offensive player while a referee is standing on each side line watching. It's that simple.
- No kicking the ball back to your own goalie unless he comes out of the box. Do that, and the other team gets a free kick or corner kick.
- No kicking the ball back the length of the field when under pressure by the other team. In hockey this is a penalty called "Icing". In soccer, it would be a corner kick for the other team.
I have several more but I know my thoughts will already be criticized by the purists here.
Rub a Dub
Dude, why the hostility? I know the man personally and he was just pondering on things
Doctor Who ...
I stand corrected.
(HappyDad ... I was being too harsh, I apologize, and I mean it.)
I guess from that question, I just got flashbacks to the movie Deliverance with the two guys sitting on the porch with rotting teeth playing dueling banjos.
The comment about computers taking away the trade is exactly right ... guess what, the people that understand and design technology use algebra and calculus every day.
The people that can, as he called it, "shovel shit" don't realize that people design the shovels, design the tools to make the shovels, produce the shovels, market the shovels, sell the shovels, manage the logistics to deliver the shovels most efficiently, analyze the customer satisfaction of the shovels, analyze return rates of defective shovels, determine the most efficient methods using reverse logistics to have shovels returned, and then incorporate the statistics into future product enhancements and improvements along with engineering designs of new shovels.
Of course, all of the computer-related items mentioned are just seat of the pants ideas and no mathematics involved. LMAO.
I get it. From his thesis, algebra and calculus are not needed.
Rub a Dub
Let me make a guess, you are a Trump supporter, right?
Rub a Dub
Is the premise of this thread a joke or what?
Rub a Dub
i don't understand it.
we have a president who is typically considered a model for what young people want to be when they grow up.
yet, when trump talks, the tv networks keep bleeping out so many of his words, even on fox news.. why?
I've also never heard him "bleeped"out.
Pete ...
Put on Fox News. "His" network bleeps out many of his words when he is speaking.
I am not talking about tabloid news.
Rub a Dub