In the Dragnet documentary series, anyone who thinks Joe Friday and Bill Gannon are not real characters are, IMO, uninformed. Get real people.
Rub a Dub
recently black lives matter representatives have encouraged people to spit in law enforcement officials foods.
some people are going into police stations and trying to kill innocent officers.
federal officials are marked for death because they try to administer the law.. what is your opinion of this type of lawlessness?.
recently black lives matter representatives have encouraged people to spit in law enforcement officials foods.
some people are going into police stations and trying to kill innocent officers.
federal officials are marked for death because they try to administer the law.. what is your opinion of this type of lawlessness?.
I definitely support the police.
When I was a little kid, I used to watch the show, or probably reruns, of "Car 54, Where Are You?". If I wasn't a JW, I might have decided to become a police officer.
It was based out of New York City. It was a show similar to the show "COPS" today that shows what the dangers and challenges police have to go through to do their jobs. Police put their lives on the line every day. Toody and Muldoon were the police in the show that I remember.
Due to their reputation of being able to navigate the city quickly and prevent crime, there was a song written about them that included the lyrics below:
"There's a holdup in the Bronx,
Brooklyn's broken out in fights;
There's a traffic jam in Harlem
That's backed up to Jackson Heights;
There's a Scout troop short a child,
Khrushchev's due at Idlewild ...
Car 54, Where Are You??"
Those guys were good, really good.
Rub a Dub
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
A society needs people who can read, write and rithmatic. Whatever schooling you do after that is your own business.
Hoser ...
But as you say, "whatever schooling you do after that is your own business" has changed over time.
My father graduated from 8th grade and it was considered (back in 1936 or something) like an educational achievement. Today, having a high school diploma is like having, in some businesses, as having a roll of toilet paper.
You will need some trade school work or a bachelor's degree in something relevant (forget liberal arts, a degree in English, History or Poop that may get you an assistant manager's job at McDonalds or Taco Bell).
Rub a Dub
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
This is a fascinating chart. Just think which things the government does most meddling in, and which it does the least meddling in.
Simon, I agree.
But everything that appears to be "more affordable" or below the zero line is made off-shore, or more likely, China.
I don't think I would send my kid to China to save money on college books and tuition.
Rub a Dub
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
There are other options vs a large student loan debt.
R U N 3500 ...
Yes, you are absolutely right. My wife worked on her master's degree part-time over two years. She was fortunate to work for a company that paid her full master's degree and books (around $40,000) if she just signed that she would stay with the company for at least 24 months afterwards. It worked out very well and she got a nice promotion.
If you work for a company that has that type of benefit, it is great. But in most cases to get to the position she was in to have that opportunity, you would need a good undergraduate degree, which, going back to my original premise, typically costs a lot of money.
18 year old Johnny, born in a small coal-mining town, or Becky, born in an urban city next to a crack house, are not likely to have these benefits.
Rub a Dub
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
Having the taxpayer pay for other's college tuition would not necessarily make them less expensive.
Sanchy ...
I wasn't necessarily talking about more or less expensive. I was just trying to get others' thoughts on why we are happy to pay for a public high school education (K-12) but not 13-16.
From an expense standpoint, wouldn't it be better to reduce the taxpayer burden and just charge for high school too?
Rub a Dub
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
I know there is a huge College/University lobby here in the US that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.
Putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and I am not a Bernie Sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning? Can't the US (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
Then, (and nothing against immigrants, I am married to one), but then the US has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here. People (I'm trying to stay away from politics here but you know who they are) then yell and scream that "foreigners" are taking away our jobs. I bet the technical people that come from India, China or other countries don't have a $100,000 debt (or more) tied around their necks. I bet the doctors we import don't have a $250,000 debt tied around their necks.
What am I missing?
Rub a Dub
we know all the dissolved congregations in minneapolis/st.
paul now:.
1. lake of the isles .
Now it’s been cut to 1.5 English [congregations] ....
SouthCentral ...
Just curious, how can you have 1.5 English congregations? Do they do half of the meeting in English and then half in Spanish? Or is it "Spanglish" like we have here in South Florida where if you are giving a talk and don't know how to explain something in one language, just cut into the other one. Everybody understands.
Rub a Dub
because he voiced his opinion on roger stone’s recommended sentencing as being grossly unfair, the democrats are talking about impeachment.. do they really think that impeaching him will mean that a democrat will get into the white house??.
it is crazy!!
Maybe each time Congress creates a bill and both sides of the aisle add their "pork" to it, the Dems just slip an impeachment paragraph into it.
"Repetitive Impeachment" (per Rub a Dub) if that term has not already been coined by someone.
It would be amusing if every time Trump had a bill presented to him by Congress to be signed that there would be an impeachment paragraph at the end.
Rub a Dub