From what I have heard from some Bethelites, they are now going to use touchscreens for the Memorial, similar to ordering from fast food restaurants such as McDonalds.
You open the screen and click "Arrived". You can download the opening song and prayer onto your mobile device. Then you click on the "I agree with the Song and Prayer" checkbox.
You then get a screen where it asks if you have read the Memorial outline, similar to terms and services. You click the Yes box.
Then you are asked what you would like to order. You have the option to select Wine or simply continue. If you select Wine, you are then asked if you would like to make it a combo, including the Bread. You select your option. If you get the combo, you listen to two prayers. Then you get the checkbox that you have heard both of the prayers.
You then click the Continue button. You then check the box that you have listened to the final song and closing prayer.
You are then directed to another screen with a suggested donation option and your credit card number. If you select No, it simply loops back and asks you the same question over and over.
After donating, an email is automatically sent to your local PO and you receive a nice thank you note.
That is apparently the new process.
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