Simon ...
That is hilarious. We need this now!
Rub a Dub
ok, i don't know if madness has set in, but this seems awesome.. seriously, you need this in your life.
you probably just don't know it yet..
Simon ...
That is hilarious. We need this now!
Rub a Dub
i certainly have , over the normal week i go to one of two clubs where i have two beers over a couple of hours ( i pace myself ) and catch up with a few friends .
one of the clubs every hour goes around to disinfect everywhere people make contact with pokies /machines or whatever we might touch.and they also now have limits as to how many can be in a certain area at any one time.and that applies to both clubs ,except one does not disinfect every hour.. today, their were far fewer people in this particular club that i attended that is usually bustling with patrons on a saturday either drinking gambling and socializing .not today.
and a strict rule of how many could be in a certain area at any one time .. and i agree with all of this , its necessary .and i will be monitoring my own activities as need be.. what have you noticed in your neck of the woods.?
Yes, we are not under a full-shutdown here in South Florida (yet) but so much of the tourist activity has been reduced by 70-80%. In fact, the Florida Keys are being virtually shut down for tourism. Plus, the beaches are being closed since the Spring-Breakers are just treating this as business as usual.
Restaurants and bars can only sell food to go. Schools are closed. All of the strip clubs are closed (no lap dances). There is even talk on the news that there could be a full shutdown here like they are doing in California, New York, Illinois and New Jersey.
Things here are on a day-by-day basis as is the case in many other areas.
Rub a Dub
over at jw talk they're saying because they're having to hold the upcoming memorial at home, they dont need to actually have the emblems.
apparently, listening to or watching the talk is the thing that counts.. "do this in rememberence of me" apparently means watching tony morris on your phone give a talk.. this begs the question... "what's the point?
The emblems, whether you have them or not will be invisibly present.
Anna ...
Yes, I don't want any invisible wine. If I do the Memorial at home, a nice carafe of merlot will be needed. I will be substituting Triscuits for the bread.
Rub a Dub
as a us citizen, i am usually a bit skeptical of what comes out of the mouths of government officials.
often they may speak the truth but i’m not convinced of whatever they are saying as being 100% true.
do you believe your government implicitly?
I certainly wouldn't make fun of President Trump's hair
LV101 ...
It's not just the hair (or orange glue-on wreath he wears). It's painting your eyes white and your face orange.
Come on now, you know what I am saying.
If Obozo or George W. had done that they would have been laughed off the stage. Imagine Obozo or George W. with orange shit on their head and face.
Rub a Dub
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Florida might be worse, but it’s not a country
South Florida may technically not be a separate country but it's pretty darn close, more like a territory like Puerto Rico. Or think of it like the Barcelona area in Spain compared to the rest of the country.
I've been here 30+ years and would never go back north. The main negative here is just the high cost of everything.
Tenga un buen dia.
Rub a Dub
as a us citizen, i am usually a bit skeptical of what comes out of the mouths of government officials.
often they may speak the truth but i’m not convinced of whatever they are saying as being 100% true.
do you believe your government implicitly?
Rub. Perhaps the President would look better with the pic you use on this site, you handsome devil, you
Min ...
Yea. I'm going to Photoshop a MAGA hat on it ... lol.
Rub a Dub
over at jw talk they're saying because they're having to hold the upcoming memorial at home, they dont need to actually have the emblems.
apparently, listening to or watching the talk is the thing that counts.. "do this in rememberence of me" apparently means watching tony morris on your phone give a talk.. this begs the question... "what's the point?
From what I have heard from some Bethelites, they are now going to use touchscreens for the Memorial, similar to ordering from fast food restaurants such as McDonalds.
You open the screen and click "Arrived". You can download the opening song and prayer onto your mobile device. Then you click on the "I agree with the Song and Prayer" checkbox.
You then get a screen where it asks if you have read the Memorial outline, similar to terms and services. You click the Yes box.
Then you are asked what you would like to order. You have the option to select Wine or simply continue. If you select Wine, you are then asked if you would like to make it a combo, including the Bread. You select your option. If you get the combo, you listen to two prayers. Then you get the checkbox that you have heard both of the prayers.
You then click the Continue button. You then check the box that you have listened to the final song and closing prayer.
You are then directed to another screen with a suggested donation option and your credit card number. If you select No, it simply loops back and asks you the same question over and over.
After donating, an email is automatically sent to your local PO and you receive a nice thank you note.
That is apparently the new process.
Rub a Dub
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
They're setting up a two hundred bed field hospital a few miles from my house.
JeffT ...
Try to look on the bright side, as I try to do.
After this virus thing passes, these will be places for a lot of the homeless to go.
Rub a Dub
as a us citizen, i am usually a bit skeptical of what comes out of the mouths of government officials.
often they may speak the truth but i’m not convinced of whatever they are saying as being 100% true.
do you believe your government implicitly?
Baseball caps are so cool - older men look so much better in them.
LV101 ...
Yes, I stand corrected.
A baseball cap is cool compared to an orange painted Christmas wreath glued to your head.
Rub a Dub
over at jw talk they're saying because they're having to hold the upcoming memorial at home, they dont need to actually have the emblems.
apparently, listening to or watching the talk is the thing that counts.. "do this in rememberence of me" apparently means watching tony morris on your phone give a talk.. this begs the question... "what's the point?
Even in my days as a good little dub, I never really understood the whole Memorial thing once the "partakers" we had died off (we had about six when I was a kid).
In the Bible, everyone who Jesus invited partook. He didn't invite people to watch. And he certainly did not invite "people off the street" to come in and watch.
What they now call the "special talk" before/after the actual Memorial could be the Memorial talk for the majority at the normal Sunday or Saturday meeting.
If there are partakers, an elder (substituting for the role of Jesus) goes to the home of the person on the actual night, reads the verses, prays, and the person(s) partakes.
To me, that would be more biblical and far more respectful for the event than what has now become more of a red carpet event when everyone is watching who is wearing what new dress.
Rub a Dub