Ok, Ok, three more:
Kentucky Fried Movie
The Devil in Miss Jones (especially the last 10 minutes)
Rub a Dub
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
Ok, Ok, three more:
Kentucky Fried Movie
The Devil in Miss Jones (especially the last 10 minutes)
Rub a Dub
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
When that nazi doctor Szell (Josef Mengele) was reckognised in public by that old Jewish lady who survived the camps
redpilltwice ...
Yes, hearing that woman scream "it's Szell, Christian Szell" still gives me the creeps.
I still get those flashbacks when I close my eyes in the dentist's chair that my arms will be bound and asked repeatedly, "Is is safe?"
Rub a Dub
what's the difference?
a millionaire, a billionaire, and a trillionaire recognize each other outside an attorney’s office.
chat reveals each of them just signed off on their last will and testament.millionaire: “i feel really good about what i did here today.
They are not sending their best.
Simon ...
Sadly, that my be their best.
Rub a
i think the american people need to get help on the coronavirus and leave it at that!
forget about adding things from the liberal agenda!
the house and the senate need to work together now to do their jobs..
Rub has been off his game lately. He’s better off giving double entendres. Keep em coming, Rub.
Min ...
I know, with all the crazy stuff going on I may have lost my focus.
Rub a Dub
i think the american people need to get help on the coronavirus and leave it at that!
forget about adding things from the liberal agenda!
the house and the senate need to work together now to do their jobs..
BTW: If your addition of a list that included $4bn comes to $2.5bn, I'd double-check your math
In the world of big government spending our money, that is a rounding error.
Rub a Dub
i think the american people need to get help on the coronavirus and leave it at that!
forget about adding things from the liberal agenda!
the house and the senate need to work together now to do their jobs..
Seriously, what does Planned Parenthood funding and other shit have to do with supporting people who may be losing their jobs and unable to buy food or risk losing their house?
Simon ...
That's the way politics works in this country (and probably most others). As the saying goes, politics is like watching sausage being made; you don't want to see all the crap that goes into it but in the end, with the all the seasoning, you may like it.
I don't see that changing any time soon.
Rub a Dub
what's the difference?
a millionaire, a billionaire, and a trillionaire recognize each other outside an attorney’s office.
chat reveals each of them just signed off on their last will and testament.millionaire: “i feel really good about what i did here today.
If a stack of a 1,000 $1 bills was 1 foot high:
- a million would be as high as the Empire State Building in New York City
- a billion would extend 189 miles into space, or around the earth approx. 7 and a half times
- a trillion would extend 189,000 miles into space or around the earth approx 7,500 times
That's a lot of bills.
Rub a Dub
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
The simple fact is that the Obama administration used up the emergency supplies but then left the cupboard bare, despite being warned that they needed to be replenished.
Simon ...
So it has taken the Orange Man over three years to order more supplies? With all the people he has fired in his administration, maybe that included the Purchasing Manager.
Rub a Dub
i think the american people need to get help on the coronavirus and leave it at that!
forget about adding things from the liberal agenda!
the house and the senate need to work together now to do their jobs..
I will be in the minority here, but this is, IMO, the time to have George W. or Bush the Elder or even Obama as President instead of the lightning rod we currently have.
Personally, if Bush the Elder was 20 years younger, he would be a much better leader in a crisis.
Rub a Dub
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
redpilltwice ...
I see you mentioned Marathon Man also. (Sir Laurence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman).
Every time I go to the dentist, I get this shiver up my spine expecting him to ask me ..... "Is it safe? .... Is it safe?.... Is it safe? .....
It makes going to the dentist and the thought of having him drill into the nerve of a healthy tooth really scary.
Is it safe?
Rub a Dub