Lhg... u r spot on ! Trump is doing better than anyone else could under the circumstances.
Min ...
Not to pee on the parade, but if Obama or Clinton did the EXACT, and I mean EXACT same thing, the right wingnuts would be going crazy for their lack of action.
I do give the people here credit after 9/11 that George W. had a 90% approval rating after his handling of the catastrophe.
No matter what the Orange Man does or the Lizard would do would please the other side. We have become like a parliamentary type of government where if you have one more on your side to create a majority you give the middle finger to the other side. It has become sad.
The days of the President (Ronald Reagan) and Speaker of the House (Tip O'Neil) argue like hell but then go out and have a beer or two and come back the next day and agree on policy are long gone.
Rub a Dub