No bottles of cheap ripple.
Rub a Dub
we are told to have the emblems this year.
no fortified wine or boones farm.
that suits me as i like real wine.
No bottles of cheap ripple.
Rub a Dub
what the hell is the problem with the famous “men of old” in the bible?
for some strange reason those old geezers (and some not so old) could not recognize who they were screwing?.
my wife was listening to this week’s bible reading about jacob, laban, and the sisters leah, and rachael.
And one more thing - they were both virgins. Seems that their first times would have been painful and awkward
Magnum ...
The Lot story does seem strange, very strange.
I wonder if the girls were old enough to smoke a cigarette afterwards?
Rub a Dub
i don't see anything about washing your hands for 20 seconds, but they did insist on washing the hands.. (there has to be some hebrew or greek word for hand sanitizer).
rub a dub.
I don't see anything about washing your hands for 20 seconds, but they did insist on washing the hands.
(There has to be some Hebrew or Greek word for Hand Sanitizer)
Rub a Dub
not only do they want everyone dressed up for the zoom meetings( which i won't do) they decided to keep the zoom meeting at 1pm sunday!
so they don't upset their spiritual routine!
(Zoom has limits on the free version)
Anony Mous ...
I don't know how they can use the free version of Zoom since it has a 40 minutes session limit.
The "Pro" version is only $15/month and has no daily limit on time and I believe has up to 100 attendees.
Rub a Dub
some people i know have not gone out of their houses in weeks.
some will walk near their homes and run right back in.
meanwhile, i go food shopping and i see tons of people, many with masks and gloves on..
Min ...
I am. My wife is seeing to it, I guess.
I am on a short leash.
At least one of the biggest food chains here, Publix, has free delivery on wine and beer. Now that I have more time at home, I may just have to get a few 6 packs of the craft beers I haven't tried yet.
Now that I think about it, a good IPA would be really good now. It's 5 o'clock somewhere.
Rub a Dub
some people i know have not gone out of their houses in weeks.
some will walk near their homes and run right back in.
meanwhile, i go food shopping and i see tons of people, many with masks and gloves on..
Is everything banned?
Min ...
No, you can still go out and walk or exercise but you must keep 6' away from others.
Quite frankly, what they consider "necessary" or "essential" has a very wide range of meanings.
The basics (food stores, pharmacies, gas stations, restaurants [to go], all "to go" food places, many companies [you just have to provide service or produce something that sounds essential] are open, Where my wife works, they make some stuff for the government at times so they are considered essential. If you are anywhere in the supply chain of servicing, supplying, making or otherwise involved with something essential you can remain open.
But then I walked by a nearby park and there were a 8 or 10 guys playing a pick-up game of basketball. I don't know, I really don't know.
It is really a greyish grey area.
Rub a Dub
this period of crisis seems endless and absolutely weird but end it will.. in the mean-time people are working successfully from home, the skies have cleared, international meetings are held on line.
lots of frustrating commuter journeys are just not necessary.
the world is cleaning itself almost visibly in days, the skies are clearing.
Seriously, I am looking to purchase some stock in these office buildings that you rent space in by the day, week, month, whatever. We have a company here in the US called Regus that already is doing this and claims to currently have 1050 locations across the country.
The ones I have been to have been very nice, nice locations. You feel you are walking into a first class professional building. You can rent one or more offices, conference rooms, meeting rooms, etc. They are typically equipped with all of the audio-visual stuff you would need. They even put little plaques with your company's name on it so customers see your name as they enter the area. Plus, you just pay for the time you need it.
So if you want to bring in customers for a sales presentation, training or have an employee group meeting person to person, this is a great option. I know companies that use it regularly now.
So, as commented above, with companies getting comfortable with things like Zoom, having employees work from home, having access to physical office space like Regus when needed, why sign a long-term lease and pay to have a large building that is typically empty half of the time? If needed, as Slidin Fast mentioned, have a much smaller office, even a more prestigious office for a physical presence if needed, let employees that can work from home, and just rent the rest of the office space when needed.
Rub a Dub
some people i know have not gone out of their houses in weeks.
some will walk near their homes and run right back in.
meanwhile, i go food shopping and i see tons of people, many with masks and gloves on..
As a follow-up on my earlier comments about the situation here in Florida, the idiot Governor on Monday said there is no reason to shut down the State since some areas in the north and west have relatively little exposure. He made it clear that there is no need to do the shutdown statewide.
From what we hear on the local news, he got a call from Trump and the next day came on TV, did a 180, and is shutting everything down at midnight.
After the Spring break fiasco, he again looked like an ass trying to talk his way around it.
Rub a Dub
this period of crisis seems endless and absolutely weird but end it will.. in the mean-time people are working successfully from home, the skies have cleared, international meetings are held on line.
lots of frustrating commuter journeys are just not necessary.
the world is cleaning itself almost visibly in days, the skies are clearing.
I see a huge hit coming to the travel industry.
As more and more companies and people in general rely more on Zoom and other teleconference products (and get comfortable with all the features), why bother spending thousands of dollars and waste a lot of travel time when you can have the little panes set up on your screen and see the person(s) you want to have a meeting with. This is especially true on inter-company meetings when you already know who you are talking to.
Of course, on big sales opportunities there is nothing like person-to-person meetings. Or a new regional manager or someone new who wants to meet the management and tour the facility.
This is even more relevant on international travel. Ms. Rub a Dub usually has a business trip to Europe each year and be in some meetings for a couple of days with generally people she already knows. Plus typically a couple of days of training somewhere in the Northeast.
I could see the company thinking twice about flying 8 or 10 people from all over into one of their facilities in Europe. Average cost each ??? Maybe on average, depending on where you are coming from, somewhere in in $3,500 - $6,000 range ??? (Airport parking, airfare, local transportation, hotel, food, misc, etc.,etc.)
I could see a lot of this going away.
Rub a Dub
some people i know have not gone out of their houses in weeks.
some will walk near their homes and run right back in.
meanwhile, i go food shopping and i see tons of people, many with masks and gloves on..
Been doing more 4x4 trail riding. Wife goes with me. It's the only time I am allowed out of the house. I wanted to spend more time fishing but she is afraid that there may be too many other people at the marina. I doubt it but if you are not allowed to go to work and have a boat, that may be the case. The public marinas are closed but I have mine in a smaller private one that at least now is still open. I still have about 75 gallons of fuel in it so I am good for a few trips if I don't go too far and not have to spend anything else, other than some bait. Hopefully, bring some fish home.
She seems to be softening on the boat part but insists that if I do end up going, she is going too. I guess I am not trustworthy ... lol.
Rub a Dub