Again, middle of the road Rub a Dub dismisses (in general) what happened many years ago. Times have changed. Thought patterns have changed, what is permissible under current standards have changed ... it's just the way it is. Even our actions have changed. Those who can remember, the last few rows of an airplane were reserved for smokers and with the recirculation of the air, everyone on board got to enjoy the second hand smoke. Light a cigarette on an airplane today and you will have federal officers escorting you off the plane.
One of my elderly relatives laughs at what she hears on the news today. She says, yes, when I was alone in an elevator with my boss, he would pat be on my backside and it was just the way it was. I didn't think much about it ... he was just being a man.
A lot of the stuff people say 25, 35 or more years ago would be totally inappropriate today. If you are in an office today and do that stuff, you will be escorted to the HR office in about 10 seconds.
Call a black person "colored" today and it may considered an insult even though there is an organization that has been in existence for decades called the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Try that name today!
Tell a dirty joke in an office years ago, people laughed or just smiled and continued working. Do that today, and expect a trip to HR.
You can't really equate what happened that long ago to today's standards. Like it or not, we are more aware and politically correct regarding what we hear and what we say.
Rub a Dub