Will people still play Chinese checkers or buy fancy china??
Min ...
Good point. It just doesn't sound the same if you say a person is a "bull in a Thai shop" or a "bull in a Filipino shop".
Rub Dub
since this virus, i have noticed that nearly all of the take out joints in my area are closed.
Will people still play Chinese checkers or buy fancy china??
Min ...
Good point. It just doesn't sound the same if you say a person is a "bull in a Thai shop" or a "bull in a Filipino shop".
Rub Dub
since this virus, i have noticed that nearly all of the take out joints in my area are closed.
When you leave Boston area and transplant to let’s say, Florida, people say they have no good Chinese restaurants
Min ...
Very, very few good Chinese places here in South Florida, nothing like Boston, NYC, etc. Remember, we are primarily Latin culture here and they just don't eat it. Drive an hour or so north towards Boca Raton and West Palm Beach which is full of transplants from the Northeast and it is totally different (more Chinese food and a kosher deli on every corner).
There is, however, one very good place not far from where I live (it's in the Kendall area) that is a Hong Kong style, Dim Sum place. It is very authentic, you would think you are in Hong Kong. They even have the little carts and you point to little plates you want as they go by just like Hong Kong. The place is fairly large and is packed on Sunday mornings/early afternoons, the traditional time when Chinese families go out for Dim Sum. If you are not there when they open at 10AM, expect a significant wait.
Other than that, I know of nothing worth going to down here. Originally living in the Northeast does sort of spoil you.
Rub a Dub
since this virus, i have noticed that nearly all of the take out joints in my area are closed.
Yes, although we only have two Chinese places close to me (the older Cuban population here considers the Chinese "dirty"), one is closed and the other doesn't appear to be doing much business.
I think it will be a long time before restaurants in general get back anything close to normal. For Chinese restaurants, it may be years if ever. It may not be fair to them, but it is just the perception people will have.
Rub a Dub
just reported today that 560 were laid off at trump's doral resort / golf club here in the miami area.
up the road from me, one of trump's major resorts (the one he plays golf at a lot) is laying off most of the staff.. i am surprised since there is that federal support for businesses that if you don't lay off your employees, you get government support.
why doesn't he either keep his workers employed or at least pay them half wages while laid off?
U t R ...
Now that I think about it, maybe they are better off if they get that extra government unemployment amount since I am sure there are some who rely a lot on tips. I guess we will see what happens but as you say it would have been "great PR for him" if he had kept them for at least another couple months.
I still wish he would sell it so they can get sponsors on the PGA to bring it back here to Miami (Doral) where it had been since 1962, well over 50 years.
Rub a Dub
just reported today that 560 were laid off at trump's doral resort / golf club here in the miami area.
up the road from me, one of trump's major resorts (the one he plays golf at a lot) is laying off most of the staff.. i am surprised since there is that federal support for businesses that if you don't lay off your employees, you get government support.
I understand the federal aid better now. The federal help, as I understand it, relates to businesses with less than 500 people so Trump's Doral Resort here has more employees than that and apparently not eligible for help.
Rub a Dub
just reported today that 560 were laid off at trump's doral resort / golf club here in the miami area.
up the road from me, one of trump's major resorts (the one he plays golf at a lot) is laying off most of the staff.. i am surprised since there is that federal support for businesses that if you don't lay off your employees, you get government support.
Interesting. Just reported today that 560 were laid off at Trump's Doral Resort / Golf Club here in the Miami area. Up the road from me, one of Trump's major resorts (the one he plays golf at a lot) is laying off most of the staff.
I am surprised since there is that Federal support for businesses that if you don't lay off your employees, you get government support. Maybe since this is one of Trumps own investments (not just a naming-rights thing like some of his places are), this does not qualify under the Federal guidelines. I don't know.
It was a crap when the PGA pulled out of Doral after Trump made all of those anti-Mexican comments about them being murderers and rapists. Cadillac pulled out sponsorship and ironically they moved that stop on the PGA tour to Mexico City. My wife and I used to go every year on the final day (Sunday). My wife was into getting autographs of the players. She has 30 or 40 of some of the top players. I think she has Phil Mickelson's several times including one of her hats. But no more.
The place reportedly lost significant value since Trump has had it but is still seems odd to me that he would let such a visible thing occur on a place with his name on it. Odd, very odd.
Rub a Dub
not sure if this is in the right subject but here it goes.
i’ve asked this question to a few elders and bethelites but they don’t seem to understand or like the question.
to start off we have to agree that jehovah is all powerful.
I brought something similar up with an elder once. I asked about the flood of Noah's time. According to the Bible, the earth was covered by a canopy holding massive amounts of moisture, hence the flood.
So if man had not been so sinful and there was not a flood, would we never have seen the sun? Or another way of thinking, what was the purpose of all of that potential rain sitting above our heads?
Of course, no answer.
Rub a Dub
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
Limbaugh is perfect compared to Fossil Pelosi, Biden, Clinton, Obama.
But how does Limbaugh compare with Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Un, Nicolas Maduro, or the Pope?
Rub a Dub
there is an allegation floating around saying he assaulted one of his female staffers .
most mainstream media do not report on this claim.
they either don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it.. funny how if it were brett kavanaugh or donald trump, they would be all over it.
Now that I think about it, what does Sarah Palin or Hillary have to do with Joe Biden?
Are some people posting on the wrong threads or what?
Rub a Dub
there is an allegation floating around saying he assaulted one of his female staffers .
most mainstream media do not report on this claim.
they either don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it.. funny how if it were brett kavanaugh or donald trump, they would be all over it.
At least Sarah did a great job as Governor of the state of Alaska.
She quit after 2 years of a 4 year term. Great job!
Rub a