Rub, your sincerity is sooooo believable. Quit while you are ahead.
Min .... and others here .....
I am putting all of my Orange Man, Lizard, Hillary, Bill, George W, Lysol, Clorox and related items into a box and putting it into the spare bedroom.
It behooves me to become a better person and poster here and I implore those here to assist me in my return to a better place and not participate in negative comments that may not be considered upbuilding to those around us. Some here have mentioned "dark humor" or other conduct unbecoming of a Christian. I will work diligently to improve in this area so as not to stumble any here.
Please understand that I will diligently work to use my time wisely and focus on the important things while in this system of things.
I will do my best moving forward. I feel happified by the opportunity to move forward and hopefully provide encouragement to my friends and associates here.
Rub a Dub