Rub a Dub
i rode my bicycle to the corner gas station / convenience store.i couldn't find my regular mask - so - i i walked up to the young lady clerk, her eyes grewwide wide wider and she said:"that's a um very unique face mask you have there, sir.
"i grinned invisibly.
"yep, i actually made it from an old pair of purple boxer shorts.
Rub a Dub
i think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
Min ...
I agree with you and other posters here.
Rub a Dub
i think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
Min ...
I agree.
I think there has to be a reasonable approach with input from all sides into this matter.
It's refreshing to listen to the responses from the various posters who can provide additional insight into these current issues.
Rub a Dub
i guess boredom is setting in (i am not interested in seeing football / baseball / basketball /hockey games from five years ago).
i am switching through the channels and there is ru paul and several "friends.".
i'm not sure of which pronoun to use, but ru paul looks like a football player and not the thin, svelte person that was the ru paul of 20 years ago.
What I wouldn't mind watching is Rupaul milking a cow in full on drag at his hubby's ranch.
caves ...
That just created an unsettling effect in my mind as I am preparing to go to bed.
It just created a similar sort of anxiety to me as when I watched Alfred Hitchcock's, The Birds.
Rub a Dub
i think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
Rub, your sincerity is sooooo believable. Quit while you are ahead.
Min .... and others here .....
I am putting all of my Orange Man, Lizard, Hillary, Bill, George W, Lysol, Clorox and related items into a box and putting it into the spare bedroom.
It behooves me to become a better person and poster here and I implore those here to assist me in my return to a better place and not participate in negative comments that may not be considered upbuilding to those around us. Some here have mentioned "dark humor" or other conduct unbecoming of a Christian. I will work diligently to improve in this area so as not to stumble any here.
Please understand that I will diligently work to use my time wisely and focus on the important things while in this system of things.
I will do my best moving forward. I feel happified by the opportunity to move forward and hopefully provide encouragement to my friends and associates here.
Rub a Dub
i think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
Min ... Caves ...
Ok, Ok, I slipped ... I plead guilty. I did it.
In a scriptural sense, it was like the right hand did not know what the left hand was typing.
It was hard to resist, I sinned, but I am committed to not bringing reproach on this site going into the future.
Rub a Dub
i think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
I have absolutely no problem with people opening up everything and doing the macarena or whatever else people want to do in groups.
I just wish that if they get infected, but a shop vac, stay home in bed, and use the exhaust port on the shop vac as a ventilator so as not to put other people at risk.
If that doesn't seem to work, take a few shots of government-recommended treatments such as Lysol or other FDA approved disinfectants to cleanse the lungs and reduce the symptoms.
Rub a Dub
i guess boredom is setting in (i am not interested in seeing football / baseball / basketball /hockey games from five years ago).
i am switching through the channels and there is ru paul and several "friends.".
i'm not sure of which pronoun to use, but ru paul looks like a football player and not the thin, svelte person that was the ru paul of 20 years ago.
Yes caves .....
Ru Paul, at least for me, was one of those late night shows I would happen to switch to after the late-night news if I was still not ready for bed.
Hard to explain actually. It was, from my standpoint, a voyeuristic view of well ... something I really was not sure of what I was actually watching.
I guess I would occasionally watch it like watching a building on fire ... captivating in its own way ... but .. well .. I don't know.
Anyway, when I saw him today, it was just really weird to me. He/She/It looks like a middle linebacker in the NFL, not like a thin, 6 foot tall version of Prince dressed in drag wearing 5" heels.
Rub a Dub
i rode my bicycle to the corner gas station / convenience store.i couldn't find my regular mask - so - i i walked up to the young lady clerk, her eyes grewwide wide wider and she said:"that's a um very unique face mask you have there, sir.
"i grinned invisibly.
"yep, i actually made it from an old pair of purple boxer shorts.
If you put the mask on backwards, depending on what was recently eaten, you may notice a difference in the ambiance of the fabric.
Rub a Dub
i guess boredom is setting in (i am not interested in seeing football / baseball / basketball /hockey games from five years ago).
i am switching through the channels and there is ru paul and several "friends.".
i'm not sure of which pronoun to use, but ru paul looks like a football player and not the thin, svelte person that was the ru paul of 20 years ago.
I guess boredom is setting in (I am not interested in seeing football / baseball / basketball /hockey games from five years ago).
I am switching through the channels and there is Ru Paul and several "friends."
I'm not sure of which pronoun to use, but Ru Paul looks like a football player and not the thin, svelte person that was the Ru Paul of 20 years ago. Wow.
But then I guess we all tend to "enlarge" over time.
Rub a Dub