Many people like Uri Geller have made millions off of people who are naive and want to believe when he IMO is a fraud and con man.
phoenixrising ...
Yes, I remember Geller. I think he was a fraud also.
But I thought Kreskin was far more believable and not just in it for the money he could make.
On his TV Show, the Amazing Kreskin, he really did show how he performed his acts of mentalism and illusions that made people, as myself, in disbelief of how he could perform such mental acts and analyze ones psyche.
I was a kid at the time, but watching him pull someone randomly from the audience, ask a few questions, and then understand the person's life history, problems and desires definitely shocked me.
I wasn't sure if it was supernatural or something but it was really great to watch how he could look at a person and know who they were. If they shuffled a deck of cards and he held one to his head, he could tell exactly what the card was.
The guy knew his stuff.