Al Sharpton. From what I remember, he wasn't the typical, friendly politician-type.
About 20 years ago, I was in a hotel on a business trip. Baton Rouge Louisiana if I recall correctly.
I was talking to another guy from our company in the lobby and Sharpton and 3 or 4 other guys walked in. Sharpton is a relatively small guy. His black coat went down below his knees. But the "bodyguards" were all dressed in black and THEY were big. I mean big. I'm a relatively big guy myself, but I bet one of those guys could have twisted my head off with one hand.
Anyway, Sharpton was waiting for one of the guys to check everyone in. I told the guy I was with to take a picture of Sharpton and I together. He looked at me and said, ok, ok.
I went over to Sharpton and asked for a picture with the two of us. He gave me an odd look, didn't smile, but said ok. Al Sharpton and Rub a Dub. What a combination.