Lesbian culture (Uh ok... I thought this was the 21st century
@HowTheBibleWasCreated ...
I would have taken that course when I was in college if there were a lot of good videos involved.
i have no love loss for the gb or religion and this is not an apologist attempt.
in fact i hate the religion and the gb.
but i watch night after night young kids who's minds have been corrupted by the propaganda and dogma that modern college's are teaching them.
Lesbian culture (Uh ok... I thought this was the 21st century
@HowTheBibleWasCreated ...
I would have taken that course when I was in college if there were a lot of good videos involved.
look at the new york post online today and watch the videos of mayhem and destruction to the city with fires all over manhattan.
the police vehicles are being destroyed and torched and the rioting just goes on and on.. i regularly went to nyc sometimes once a month for years.
now, who on earth would want to go to this hellhole??.
so they smash up and burn their own neighbourhood
@stan ...
I really never understood that either. If I was that pissed at someone who lived in another area I would burn down their stuff, not the stuff in my own neighborhood.
It's like having an argument with your neighbor and then going home and setting your own car on fire. Do you like go and get pissed at him and say, "See, look at what I did?"
Or getting into fight with someone and you start to punch yourself in the face.
I don't get it.
i was wondering two things, 1: how long in total are the zoom meetings, i presume the sunday one is the longest ?.
and 2: if you use zoom for free, the session only lasts 40 minutes, so do they have an intermission so people can log back in, or are all jw's expected to pay for the "privilege" ?.
The "Professional" version of Zoom is only about $15-20 per month. You have up to 100 attendees I believe and up to a 24 hour meeting.
look at the new york post online today and watch the videos of mayhem and destruction to the city with fires all over manhattan.
the police vehicles are being destroyed and torched and the rioting just goes on and on.. i regularly went to nyc sometimes once a month for years.
now, who on earth would want to go to this hellhole??.
I really don't know what set off this powder keg around the country.
- Trump
- Election Year
- Death of Gerald Ford
- COVID-19
- Unemployment
The list could go on. It just seems difficult for me to understand why the shit hits the fan across the entire country.
Many in the news (and Republicans) blame Democratic Governors in large cities. But that has been the way it is for many, many years. Things never seemed to blow up nationally like the way it is now.
i was six, not given any choice.
i remember being in the old kh, and my dad told me the brothers wanted to talk to me in the back...i was terrified.
i actually thought they knew i didn’t want to be a dub, my dad told them to just add me as a publisher, so no back room meeting.
7 years old, born in. 4th generation.
@Gorbatchov ....
Yes, I'm 4th also. My great grandparents were into the CT Russell stuff.
I remember several years ago at a "gathering", that came up for whatever reason when we came into the Troof. Some were giving dates, some second, third generation, I just said first generation.
A brother that knew me pretty well said I thought you family had been in the Troof for may years. I said yes, but I was considering overlapping generations. I knew my great grandmother. She didn't die until I was 8 years old so we overlapped.
The room got rather quiet.
i have no love loss for the gb or religion and this is not an apologist attempt.
in fact i hate the religion and the gb.
but i watch night after night young kids who's minds have been corrupted by the propaganda and dogma that modern college's are teaching them.
I don't know ONE conservative who has a "negative view" of a college degree(s)
LV101 .....
I guess you have never heard of Rush Limbaugh.
dear brothers, july 27, 2020. in 1919, the president of the watchtower society made a bold prediction, “millions now living will never die”.
that quotation was constantly repeated by the organization till the year 2000 when they realized that everyone in attendance at that assembly, who listened to j.r. rutherford repeat those words, are dead.. that teaching has guided my life.
statements were repeatedly made at assemblies, conventions and in print that there was no career in “this system of things” so you don’t need a job with benefits or retirement, your fulltime job is to “preach the good news”!
You could put it on official letterhead of your campaign.
If you have some sort of campaign manager or assistant, you could note that correspondence can go through him / her.
jehovah’s witnesses cancel in-person conventions worldwide, will stream online in 100 languages.
by: rocky nash.
posted: jul 9, 2020 / 10:23 pm pdt / updated: jul 19, 2020 / 11:22 am pdt.
is there anything left of this religion as it used to be?
@slimboyfat ...
Yes, the "contribution" box, whether physical or virtual.
dear brothers, july 27, 2020. in 1919, the president of the watchtower society made a bold prediction, “millions now living will never die”.
that quotation was constantly repeated by the organization till the year 2000 when they realized that everyone in attendance at that assembly, who listened to j.r. rutherford repeat those words, are dead.. that teaching has guided my life.
statements were repeatedly made at assemblies, conventions and in print that there was no career in “this system of things” so you don’t need a job with benefits or retirement, your fulltime job is to “preach the good news”!
Since you intend to run as a candidate I would think the local Elders would be on the phone to the CO who would then be in contact with the Society.
There are certain situations that the Society will not touch with a ten foot poll.
@Giordano ......
You are 110% correct. If you are in the public arena, they want to stay as far away from the issue as possible. I would guess that if you are running for office, they would not want to make it an issue and just hope you quietly go away and not say anything. The last thing they want is to have you make it public that you are attempting to serve the public and then got kicked out of the Borg because you ran for public office. If you win, they will want to bury the issue even further. If anyone asks about your religion, just say Christian and leave it at that.
I know what many here are saying about it's better for a DA, but there is still a lot, IMO, to be said about letting them do what they want and not get involved in the game. The more public it gets, the more they want to keep it quiet and not "bring reproach on the organization".
i have no love loss for the gb or religion and this is not an apologist attempt.
in fact i hate the religion and the gb.
but i watch night after night young kids who's minds have been corrupted by the propaganda and dogma that modern college's are teaching them.
Universities are actually conglomerations of various schools and colleges.
@TD ...
You are correct. Technically, universities do not award degrees.
Depending on your major, you will be "attending" a university, but the specific college within the university awards the degree. You may go to the school of business, school of engineering, school of law, whatever. You may attend a university but you are awarded a degree by a college.