Since you intend to run as a candidate I would think the local Elders would be on the phone to the CO who would then be in contact with the Society.
There are certain situations that the Society will not touch with a ten foot poll.
@Giordano ......
You are 110% correct. If you are in the public arena, they want to stay as far away from the issue as possible. I would guess that if you are running for office, they would not want to make it an issue and just hope you quietly go away and not say anything. The last thing they want is to have you make it public that you are attempting to serve the public and then got kicked out of the Borg because you ran for public office. If you win, they will want to bury the issue even further. If anyone asks about your religion, just say Christian and leave it at that.
I know what many here are saying about it's better for a DA, but there is still a lot, IMO, to be said about letting them do what they want and not get involved in the game. The more public it gets, the more they want to keep it quiet and not "bring reproach on the organization".