Very Soon Productions.
Just Around the Corner Productions.
Rub a Dub
i was thinking about how the org is dying, and how the guboobs are trying to give it cpr by transitioning to tvpreach.
now they will construct a media mecca and it looks like they will go full on e digital.
so, i was trying to come up with a name for their new hollywood that would stick.
Very Soon Productions.
Just Around the Corner Productions.
Rub a Dub
i found this interesting in the news that dogs used to sniff for drugs at airports are being significantly cut back here in the us due to the increased legality of marijuana at the state level (though technically still illegal at the federal level) and passengers arriving from canada.
a large number of the dogs are being put into early retirement.. i learned that dogs can be trained to sniff for drugs but once they "learn" a smell, they cannot unlearn it.
basically, there is no difference to them between marijuana or cocaine or meth.
I found this interesting in the news that dogs used to sniff for drugs at airports are being significantly cut back here in the US due to the increased legality of marijuana at the state level (though technically still illegal at the federal level) and passengers arriving from Canada. A large number of the dogs are being put into early retirement.
I learned that dogs can be trained to sniff for drugs but once they "learn" a smell, they cannot unlearn it. Basically, there is no difference to them between marijuana or cocaine or meth. It's either a yes or no in their noses.
So new dogs are being trained (at an estimated $25,000 a pop). Interesting.
Things we learn in life.
Rub a Dub
i had to submit to a random work place drugs test yesterday, of which i passed.
in this country smoking marijuana / methamphetamine is illegal.
the thing that really struck me was that despite the illegal nature of it, was just how prevalent and problem is.
Pot is NOT legal in the US -- at least not from Federal Standards -- the law is just not enforced. It is "legal" in many States as far as State law.
Desirous ....
You are absolutely correct on that. That is why when I made my earlier comment, I noted it is legal in about half of the states. However, as you mention, it is still not legal from a federal standpoint and technically the feds take precedence. The last time I heard a debate on the issue, the federal laws still have weed in the same classification as cocaine. But yes, it is a federal law that is simply not enforced.
However, I agree that lawyers for insurance companies would pounce on that in a minute in a courtroom.
Rub a Dub
gastonia authorities respond to shooting outside kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses
Very sad.
Whatever religion, someone getting shot while sitting in a car at "church" is horrible. I hope the sister is ok after this event.
Rub a Dub
while there are many excellent web sites that explain a few jw nwt bible translation problems, are there any comprehensive lists of nwt scripture errors online please?.
thanks .
The error is mostly in interpretation and application of your version. Plus, one could list the same type of errors about any translation of the Bible.
OnTheWayOut ...
I totally agree. It's like the situation in which people are seated in a circle and each one tells a story or event to the person sitting next to them. By the time it gets back to the original person, it is a much different story than what the person had originally started.
As you mention, ANY translation of the Bible will have errors, and I truly believe, most are not intentional. It's just a matter of errors that naturally occur and generally in the the changes in languages and the usage of words.
Rub a Dub
i had to submit to a random work place drugs test yesterday, of which i passed.
in this country smoking marijuana / methamphetamine is illegal.
the thing that really struck me was that despite the illegal nature of it, was just how prevalent and problem is.
joe134 ...
I'm not sure which country you are in, but marijuana is legal in Canada (to the best of my knowledge) and about half of the states in the US (either "medical" or recreational).
Here in Florida where medical marijuana is legal, you simply go to a doctor who advertises to give you the "card" for medical purposes and tell him/her you have anxiety, headaches, or some other problem and pay about $100. You walk out of the door with the card and can buy and use whatever you want.
It doesn't surprise me that so many people use it on the weekends, much like watching a football game with some friends and having a case of beer.
But I would guess that smoking some weed during a football game has a more calming effect than guys throwing beer cans at the TV when the other team scores.
Rub a Dub
while there are many excellent web sites that explain a few jw nwt bible translation problems, are there any comprehensive lists of nwt scripture errors online please?.
thanks .
The "older" ones here (I guess I fall into that category having now reached the big 60), remember when we had a paper-thin 3 or 4 page thing that we glued into our NWT's. It had the NWT rendering of a scripture in one column, the Authorized Version in another, and the Catholic Douay in another (I think they are the two other ones).
You used to use that when you were placing the NWT, typically in January if I remember correctly. It was to show how good the NWT was compared to the others.
I just remember a scripture in 1 Corinthians (I think) where the other versions said "everything sold in a shambles" and the NWT used the word "meat market" instead of shambles.
We used that, and other verses, to show how much better the NWT was and then hoped to place a bible.
Wow, that was a long time ago.
Rub a Dub
i was told by several elders to not get a dog when i was looking for one in the 80s.
the end was close and we needed to focus on the preaching work.
i know some have pets but a lot don't.
Shouldn`t your post RubaDub be in the Adult -heated Debate sextion ?
smiddy ...
I guess I was just being factual and honest. When I was a kid, we had a black labrador retriever that seemed to do it a lot when people came over. My mother would make the dog go outside.
I still gets the creeps when I see people kissing their dogs.
Rub a Dub
i was told by several elders to not get a dog when i was looking for one in the 80s.
the end was close and we needed to focus on the preaching work.
i know some have pets but a lot don't.
I think that many hard-line JW's don't like dogs since they will sit in front of people and lick their genitals.
(Now that I think about it, if I could do it, I probably wouldn't leave my house).
Rub a Dub
hi everyone, i sure have been getting all kinds of replies by many on here and that's great.
i read all the post even if some don't believe in god at all.
however, i do believe and anything i say on here is from the depths of my belief and knowledge.
If they looked like JLo, Shakira or Kim Kardashian, I would have not problem with it.
Rub a Dub