We have the power - don't buy anything from Chinese companies or from companies that chose to outsource to China.
That is easier said than done. I was in Home Depot (not some mom and pop hardware store) with a friend a few months ago and when we were looking at all of the tools they sell, from major name brands, virtually everything comes from China or Taiwan. Try to find an American-made anything that has a power cord.
Go to places like Walmart, Harbor Freight, Northern Tool or many other places and if they took all of the Made in China stuff off the shelves there would be very little to buy. Try to buy small appliances here (toasters, blenders, irons, etc.) and good luck finding anything made in the USA.
I know it's very sad. Even for people who sincerely want to buy made in the USA it is really a challenge and for some products, impossible in the current situation.
Manufacturers and politicians have sold us out.
Rub a Dub