I think in the long run the travel industry will take a huge hit and will take years if ever to recover.
Products such as Zoom have already make inroads into business travel, where many airlines and hotels make their profits. Companies will see that these products are not just conference call things but actually allow you to see all of the people in the room a mile away or on the other side of the earth, even transfer files.
Products like Go To Meeting have been around for many years but IMO not close to Zoom. You're looking at people and they are looking at you.
Once companies get used to this, it will reduce travel, especially international travel by who knows what percent. Why pay 5,000, 10,000 or more for one person on a long trip (airfare, hotel, local transportation, food, etc.) when they get used to setting up the meeting on-line and see everyone?
Just my thoughts.
Rub a Dub