Seriously, I am looking to purchase some stock in these office buildings that you rent space in by the day, week, month, whatever. We have a company here in the US called Regus that already is doing this and claims to currently have 1050 locations across the country.
The ones I have been to have been very nice, nice locations. You feel you are walking into a first class professional building. You can rent one or more offices, conference rooms, meeting rooms, etc. They are typically equipped with all of the audio-visual stuff you would need. They even put little plaques with your company's name on it so customers see your name as they enter the area. Plus, you just pay for the time you need it.
So if you want to bring in customers for a sales presentation, training or have an employee group meeting person to person, this is a great option. I know companies that use it regularly now.
So, as commented above, with companies getting comfortable with things like Zoom, having employees work from home, having access to physical office space like Regus when needed, why sign a long-term lease and pay to have a large building that is typically empty half of the time? If needed, as Slidin Fast mentioned, have a much smaller office, even a more prestigious office for a physical presence if needed, let employees that can work from home, and just rent the rest of the office space when needed.
Rub a Dub