The blame for the virus lies completely with China and the World Health Organization.
You are totally correct. It did start in China due to its primitive standards, if we can even use the word "standards."
I see no value, however, in going back to January or early February when Trump, New York Mayor DeBlasio and various other Dems can be seen on TV downplaying it and saying this is not a big thing, we have this under control, etc. etc. etc. Neither side, nor anyone in the middle, wanted this to happen nor had any idea what this would create. Otherwise, we would have been wearing masks back in December.
But this is a huge wake-up call to reduce what we buy from China, especially critical items. I don't see all of the manufacturing coming here which would not be feasible, but at least spread manufacturing over a number of countries. Putting all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea, even among friendly countries.
For those who have 401k's, would you want most of your investments in just one corporation? I don't think so. There's a reason why financial managers create a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments.
The same goes for global resourcing of manufactured good and raw materials.
Rub a Dub