3M Corporation-- You are Absolutely DISGUSTING - I hope you are sitting down when reading this

by RubaDub 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    I was watching the local news in the background and I heard a guy talking about 3M and how Florida was getting screwed. I didn't hear the whole report.

    Later, I was switching through the channels and I saw the same guy talking to Tucker Carlson (Fox News). Come to find out he is the Federal CDC equivalent at the State level. He is the head of the whole thing and ultimately responsible for the purchases of all the medical stuff for Florida.

    Anyway, Carlson asked him if he was getting all the masks and respirators Florida needed. Then the guy went on a roll.

    He said he contacted 3M weeks ago. They said they only sell through distributors. He contacted the distributor and ordered several hundred thousand masks since he was told they make about 1 million per week.

    He followed up last week on where the masks are. The distributor said he never got any, they are gone. He asked the distributor what happened. He didn't want to answer but finally said, 3M sold them to someone else. What? Yes, someone came with cash and paid a lot more. What? Some state came in and outbid us? And who pays cash? The guy said, foreign countries. They pay whatever you want and they pay cash!

    Carlson (and me) nearly fell out of our chairs. The guy said a lot of companies are doing this. It applies to all of these critical items including respirators, gowns, etc. Although most other countries have restrictions on exporting critical items, that doesn't exist in the US. You can just sell to the highest bidder and it is even better if it is all cash. He told the feds what was happening and was told that they will look into it. Isn't that great!

    The top brass at 3M (including CEO Roman) should be in prison. Imagine how many lives have been lost due to greed. DISGUSTING.

    Rub a Dub

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    WOW disgusting is right

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Capitalism at its absolute best! Supply & demand. The demand is supplied to those who are prepared to pay a premium.

  • RubaDub

    I turned on the TV this morning and see that Trump had made some references yesterday (Thursday) about 3M. He said that he is going to talk to them to assure that we are getting what we need.

    I think, just as most other countries already do, we should ban exports of critical items just for a company's financial gain until we have a sufficient supply here.

    I still can't believe what is going on. But then, I guess I am a naive Rub.

    Rub a Dub

  • Wakanda

    That's sick.

    Coming from a company that spread PFOA (the scotch guard stuff) to the whole world, makes sense.

    3M: polluters and now traitors.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I remember specifically buying 3M instead of foreign things Because it was USA. Glad they returned the favor.

  • joe134cd

    I think there has to be more naming and shaming of people who chose to behave like this. I hope the public reaction to this causes them to go out of business. I think for people who blatantly choose to disregard these quarantine measures they need to be photographed and put on national TV as an example for anybody else who wants to adopt their behaviour. As for 3M and their directors, I hope they rot in Hell.

  • RubaDub

    It's becoming clearer now, at least to me.

    On the news this morning, they explained that 3M has a very high investment in China. They make hundreds of products including stuff we use in offices every day; Scotch Brand products. Then a huge number of industrial products. Many (or most) of these are made in China.

    Although they produce most of their masks in China, they are not allowed to export them, even though it is a US company and they want to export some to the US. But China wants more and gladly imports as many as they can get. And they will pay top dollar.

    So there it is. China won't allow exports but will buy and import. Don't expect to get a respirator out of China, nor gowns, gloves or anything else. But they will buy.

    Based on what I see this morning, the shit is hitting the fan and 3M is right in the middle. They are selling some of the US made stuff that we need back to China or other countries who are waving cash in their face.

    Rub a Dub

  • Magnum

    I am justifiably cynical. I've been hearing in the news the last few weeks how our "great" american companies are turning out more products like masks to help out in this situation. I wasn't swallowing that. I was thinking that the sad truth is that many companies and individuals do what serves them best. What you posted backs up my cynicism.

    3M probably wanted to brag about how it had helped out in this crisis. So much for that.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'd wager they'll be looking at an IRS audit for the next 5 years.

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