He relies on PowerPoints instead of teleprompters. I can talk too with PowerPoints in front of me.
Anony Mous ...
They show the Powerpoint slides on the side of the of the screen on the channels I have watched. Yes, each slide has several bullet points that focus on the topic. But he's not reading anything. You could read all the bullet points on a slide in about 15 seconds.
I was referring to all of the information he is adding and so many specifics and examples he gives. Where stuff is, where stuff is moving state to state, which hospitals are getting what, exactly what has been requested, etc etc etc.I just don't hear him speaking in generalities like so many others. He seems to have studied this stuff extremely well and IMO well-prepared to give these national briefings, hence my comment on the flash drive in his head. That's all.
If you could relate the facts and analysis the way he does with just a few bullet points, God bless you.
Rub a Dub