3rdgen ...
Yes, the older appliances just seem to keep running.
When we moved into this house, close to 20 years ago, we were planning on getting a new washer and dryer. The two old Whirlpool appliances had cracked paint, some rust on the side and overall just looked old. But they worked fine and we decided to get a year or two more out of them if possible and spend the money on some other items we needed.
That was nearly 20 years ago. Guess what, they still look old and beat up a bit. I did replace the switch that stops if from running when you open the top about 5 years ago. After looking at YouTube, I bought the switch ($25) and replaced it in about 15 minutes (I could do it in 5 minutes now). That was it. But they run like new.
I don't think any amount of money would buy you that type of appliance today.
Rub a Dub