Lower pay ,fewer benefits, part time. Amazon has a reputation as a slave driver.
road to nowhere ...
Yes, I have never heard anything good about Amazon, except for the occasional manager on TV who says how great of a place it is to work. Seems like the rank and file see it in a much different light. It also wouldn't surprise me if some of the jobs offered are part time (under 32 hours per week here) so an not having to pay full benefits.
I guess a lot of the hiring has to do with delivery people. Food stores, FedEx, US Postal Service, etc. And the home supply stores (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.) seem very busy every time I have driven by. I guess it's a good time to get projects done when you are out of work. I already built an above ground garden and have 5 of those Earth Box things in there (I made my own, the ones you buy are pretty expensive). I may start a thread and see if anyone else has tried them.
Rub a Dub