A President of the United States of America as Commander In Chief Of The armed forces can send his country to war anywhere in the world ,by HIS WORD ?
smiddy ...
Constitutionally no. But from a practical standpoint yes. The word "war" has evolved from the time it was used in the constitution. In this century, we have had the "war" on poverty, "war" on hunger and many other "wars." I don't think that's what the framers of the constitution had in mind when using the word war.
Basically, a President can start something that looks like a war, smells like a war, tastes like a war, etc. But it is not technically a war. Think of Vietnam and Korea. These were technically not wars, but 10's of thousands of soldiers died.
So can a US President unilaterally declare war? No. But do the same thing and call it a conflict or something and you are good to go.
Rub a Dub