It really all depends on the tone.
I recall a dozen or so years ago at one of the annual meetings, that there had recently been a deadly typhoon or something (psunami?) that had affected many of the brothers in Asia.
During the prayer at the end of the meeting, the GB member (I can't recall which one) did mention the event, and said we are thankful for the help received from our brothers worldwide and the help that we are receiving from the agencies assisting in the disaster relief.
Of course the general tone was being thankful for the help "our brothers" are receiving and not the people in general but it was something I noted that you do not generally hear.
No particular name of any agency was mentioned but there was the recognition that outside support was coming in and we are thankful for it.
If a GB member or CO or strong elder in the congregation included things like that in a prayer, it would be acceptable. If a newer one or young MS repeated the exact same words there is the possibility that it could be brought to his attention. Maybe, maybe not.
Rub a Dub