Simon, if the left wing on an airplane works, why do we have a right wing?
JoinedPosts by RubaDub
Do You Think We Will Ever Get Back To “Normal”?
by minimus ini hope that within the next several months we will get back to some type of normalcy.
will restaurants ever get filled again?
will you ever be able to sit at a bar or go to a concert or broadway show?.
My parents died from the corona virus
by Hotpepper inboth my 84 yr old jw father and my never my jw mother 82 with both together died from the the corona in 24 hours of each other.
i can tell many fighting i have had here in the last 20 years.on this site .
i juy hope they rest in peace.
Hotpepper ...
Extremely sad. This virus thing is affecting us in many ways.
If I can offer a perspective that may not resonate with some, but through experience:
Back in the late 1970's, my grandparents were alive, I was a teenager. My grandfather (elder) died from a stroke in his mid 80's. My grandmother, a lifelong colportuer / pioneer died a week later. I guess it was a heart attack, stress or the acceptance that it was the end.
As my grandfather once told me, he could not remember not being married to my grandmother (he was 17, she was 18 getting married).
It may very well be that there was a great deal of love between your parents. Not having that person at his/her side may have been an incredible burden.
I wish you and them forever peace.
2020 Convention streamed
by Rattigan350 in2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses.
we warmly invite you to watch this year’s three-day convention presented by jehovah’s witnesses.
as a result of the novel coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, this year’s convention program is being presented online at
I feel happified.
Will You Constantly Wear A Mask?
by minimus intoday, it will be 90 degrees and humid!
this morning i’ll be playing tennis again.
while most people have been holed up in their houses, i have regularly played the sport outside.
TIP accordingly! I'm catching up by adding 50%.
Simon ...
Extremely well said. It's not the workers at these places that have caused the problem but in many cases are the ones most suffering.
I had a somewhat paranormal experience 2 days ago, but I think science is just light years behind on this.....
by Bad_Wolf infor the record i'm agnostic, never seen any direct evidence of spirits, afterlife, etc.
i've been visiting my mother during this corona ordeal.
a year ago i had a dream i was much older and talking to somebody about how my mom died this year but it was avoidable.
Many people like Uri Geller have made millions off of people who are naive and want to believe when he IMO is a fraud and con man.
phoenixrising ...
Yes, I remember Geller. I think he was a fraud also.
But I thought Kreskin was far more believable and not just in it for the money he could make.
On his TV Show, the Amazing Kreskin, he really did show how he performed his acts of mentalism and illusions that made people, as myself, in disbelief of how he could perform such mental acts and analyze ones psyche.
I was a kid at the time, but watching him pull someone randomly from the audience, ask a few questions, and then understand the person's life history, problems and desires definitely shocked me.
I wasn't sure if it was supernatural or something but it was really great to watch how he could look at a person and know who they were. If they shuffled a deck of cards and he held one to his head, he could tell exactly what the card was.
The guy knew his stuff.
I had a somewhat paranormal experience 2 days ago, but I think science is just light years behind on this.....
by Bad_Wolf infor the record i'm agnostic, never seen any direct evidence of spirits, afterlife, etc.
i've been visiting my mother during this corona ordeal.
a year ago i had a dream i was much older and talking to somebody about how my mom died this year but it was avoidable.
My initial thought would be to listen to George Noory on his syndicated show on Coast to Coast AM (originally by Art Bell). The show is on later in the evenings in many cities in the US and Canada. Being a radio show, he reviews and analyzes the thoughts, concerns and viewpoints of those who call in and seek a better understanding of themselves.
George is a master in examining and explaining things that transcend human trends and behaviors with a focus on our own finite existence. He presents many of the thoughts, ideologies and topics that you mention.
Many times there are occurrences and events that we simply cannot deal with on a superficial level. We need to examine out inner thoughts, desires and motivations.
My Mom died last week.
by Still Totally ADD inlast wednesday my elder brother called me to let me know mom had died.
she was 97 years old and was in a nursing home for the last 7 years.
her mind had left her many years ago to the point she didn't recognize any of us.
Still Totally ADD ...
You are not alone. Many here feel the "entire experience" that you present that has affected all of us, in one way or another. I guess that can be said for virtually everything in life. Like the old expressions says, "You can pick your friends but not your relatives." But there is no silver bullet, no guarantees. Even people we pick can cause harm in may ways .... think of the high divorce rates of people we have "chosen."
I'm not the psychologist in the room. But I can understand the hurt, frustrations and pain.
If there is any compassion in thoughts and words, then Still Totally ADD, most of us here understand, to whatever degree, the pain we go through.
Peace, please, peace.
In 2020 In Your Country or State Are Race Relations Better or Worse Than Before?
by minimus inarchie bunker from all in the family was considered by many as a racist.
there are still many people who think and act like him.
of course, in today’s world, there are many extremes.
If I didn't understand the comment, I sincerely stand corrected.
I guess I need to get a better sense of humor ... lol.
In 2020 In Your Country or State Are Race Relations Better or Worse Than Before?
by minimus inarchie bunker from all in the family was considered by many as a racist.
there are still many people who think and act like him.
of course, in today’s world, there are many extremes.
LauraV ....
Minimus has been here longer than I have (and I have 19 years now). If you think that just because you don't agree or you don't have a sense of humor, well, then (and I can't speak for Simon et al.) then this may not be the best place to be.
The people, starting with Simon, have been the best on any board I have ever seen. Yes, at times, I have been put on the carpet. Do I agree with everything? NO. If I wanted everything my one-way or the highway, there are other places. But accept the freedom here that you can look down from a higher level and observe the narrow-mindedness of others and then choose to make your own decisions. I think that is a quality a lot of us share here.
If you think what some here do, including Minimus, are racial, then you are wrong. Most people here have the intelligence that you can agree, not agree, get pissed, or whatever. Being able to look at prejudices of others and indirectly mock them for how stupid they are does not make the messenger a racist. If you think I have a racial bone in my body, send me an email and I will explain how one of my "studies", a black couple, a beautiful wife that kept "seriously" hitting on me when he went to get a pizza after the study ... enough said.
As in life, there are exceptions to everything. But the majority of people here are the nicest and most sincere people I have ever known.
Will You Constantly Wear A Mask?
by minimus intoday, it will be 90 degrees and humid!
this morning i’ll be playing tennis again.
while most people have been holed up in their houses, i have regularly played the sport outside.
As I mentioned on another thread, I made a couple of masks from my wife's bikini underwear (she was not happy with one that I cut up but what can I say). She still complains when I wear them but I am the one who goes to buy food more often.
Anyway, I like the feeling of the lace, it sort of tickles my ears a bit. It's hard to see other peoples' reactions but I know a couple have laughed.
Before I wear them, I spray a little bit of lavender or spring mountain scents to get the full effect.
It makes wearing the "masks" more interesting.