Linking the first convention in 1922 at Cedar Point Ohio and the proclamation made then
@smiddy3 ...
I wish people here would not screw around with the 1922 Cedar Point Ohio horn-blowing.
It's what keeps me in.
what are the craziest books or magazines the tower ever printed?
i know of the millions now living is crazy the finished mystery.
Linking the first convention in 1922 at Cedar Point Ohio and the proclamation made then
@smiddy3 ...
I wish people here would not screw around with the 1922 Cedar Point Ohio horn-blowing.
It's what keeps me in.
"victims say cash moved offshore".
i just thought you might be interested in how widespread this article has been taken up by the media in australia.. west australian newspaper , herald sun sunday victorian newspaper ,the daily telegraph n.s.w.
I initially thought this might have been JW's merging with Chrysler.
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
That whole "Splane" thing when he tries to "splain" the overlapping generation made as much sense as having MisterRodgers explaining to children of how clowns have sex with circus animals.
hi therei've tried with various browsers on two different occasions now - but my profile cannot be updated.
i can't upload a new avatar image, i can't update my bio - nothing.. could you look into it please?.
Is this forum even maintained? I think I may be leaving soon
SuperMarioDiMaggio ...
Have you thought about creating and investing in your own forum?
Let us know how you make out.
Just don't piss on something that you can't do better yourself.
Send us a link when you are up and running.
there was a 50 year gap between the failed dates of 1925 and 1975.. memories fade, people die, and who cares what was said 50 years ago.. most jw's now in the religion werent there when 1975 was a thing.
even my mother who was baptized in 1974 who i do remember speaking about it back in the day, can barely remember what the fuss was about.
for active jw's who are doing all there studying online now, its practically impossible to find any wt contemporary reference to 1975.. i read recently (sorry i cant source it right now) that at the time, even watchtower may have taken the view that even if they knew 1975 was wrong, the short term gains would far outstrip those who left leading to an overall net gain so it was a risk worth taking.
They would need a scholarly type like Franz to get back into the date business. They do not have anyone like that now.
Franz could discuss dates, times, half times, weeks of years and various historical events, blend them together, and "prove" to you that your birth date hadn't happened yet.
And then you would nod your head in agreement.
There have definitely been some changes here over the years. I am on year 19.
The more things change, the more they remain the same. I am still considered an Ass here.
To me, the "Org" has gotten less interesting
millie ...
I agree. I think the Borg is on the slow end of the news cycle.
Major topics now include a GB member criticizing tight pants, buying scotch and another GB member contorting his face.
Having another Rutherford or Franz around would provide more content.
CNN vs FOX news
eyeuse ....
Things are now just in a more biblical context. When you mention CNN and Fox news, just think of sheep and goats.
so as things are now opening up and food never ran out, i've been dipping into our emergency supplies.
they say that spam doesn't have a shelf-life, it has a half-life, but i kind of wanted to see if it was like i remembered as a kid.. as it turns out spam fritters are as delicious as i remember, probably better ('cause i did fancy ones).
i used this recipe and they were glorious.
I have not been to Hawaii (bucket list item) but have heard that Spam is very popular there. It seems to have become popular in WWII when other meats were difficult to get there. Now they have dozens of different ways to prepare it.
My wife won't eat it but I occasionally buy a tin of it and have slices for breakfast. Really good. It makes me think of my father when he would buy it and we would have it on a Sunday morning.
When I am writing this it is Sunday morning, 8AM EDT, wife is still sleeping. I am going to the store and buy a tin. I'll slice it, fry it and put a runny, half-cooked (sunny side up) egg on top. Just the way he always ate it.
My wife can have her Cheerios, Special K or something else.
i don't remember disfellowshippings happening very often and announcements about being re instated but i think i remember that we used to clap hands if someone came back after being disfellowshipped.
but then i think clapping wasn't allowed.
am i correct in my recollections?.
I and others have commented on this numerous times.
At one time, many years ago, everyone clapped.
The whole thing changed in the 1980's, early 1990's (?) or so when there seemed to be a lot of people who would commit adultery with someone else in the congregation, get DF'd, remarry, then get reinstated a year or so later.
The "innocent" person(s) may still be in the congregation when the reinstatement was read, people clapped and later everyone went over to hug and kiss the ones reinstated.
Obviously, no matter how you look at things, not a happy situation. The order from the top was to stop the clapping in respect of the innocent party(s).