Where as the other person is simply out violating gods principles.
For my own part, I can guarantee you that smoking was not the real reason I was disfellowshipped. Not at all. I could have stopped smoking. I did try. I had stopped smoking years before to get baptized, so I knew it was possible. I am still trying to sort out the reasons, 8 years later. I must have had reservations subconsciously, about being a Witness. But I never allowed my nebulous doubts to morph into anything concrete. Too scary. Question the WTS? ( Well, beyond my sarcastic, semi- scathing denunciations done when I was in one of my alter-pesonalities or moods or manic or whatever my current doctor wants to call it?)
I couldn't do it. It was unthinkable. So I smoked my way out.
An (ostensibly) unrepentant fornicator may subconsciously be looking for a way out, then getting scared, going back to the KH, then getting scared of being back in, getting disfellowshipped again, etc. etc. Sorry, I am so ineloquent tonight. I can't even spell. What's wrong with me? AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
I think you know what I mean. I used to say that I was disfellowshipped not for smoking, but for not loving Jehovah enough. Now, to be sure, I don't love Jehovah enough. But I am beginning to think the real reason was that I had my doubts.....