Lost or not, you seemed to have no trouble finding the icons....I'm impressed. I'm still muddling with them.
my name is tom and i was looking for some jw's to talk to.
have i lost myself on this web page?
Lost or not, you seemed to have no trouble finding the icons....I'm impressed. I'm still muddling with them.
what posters do you like the most on this forum and why?.
Everyone here means a lot to me, but those for whom I have special affection are Sheila, Minimus, Big Tex, Francois, James Thomas and Dansk.
But absolutely everyone is great...each in her or his own way.
after observing the two sides arguing about the war with iraq, i have come to see 2 kinds of groups, not just the argument from conservatives and liberals, but from those who think with either from their intellectual or emotional standpoints...... from the emotional standpoints who oppose the war, which i would call the "oprah thinkers", these are the group of people who think with their emotional part of the brain rather than the intellectual part of the brain.
the oprah thinkers likes to cry alot and dab their eyes with a hankerchef.
they get outraged when a human being regardless of their background (good or evil) gets killed for whatever reason it may be.. then there are those who support the war, which i would call the "spock thinkers", who think from the intellectual part of the brain rather than from the emotional part of the brain.
Well, I guess my answer is apparent in the fact that the OP was way too cerebral for me to read....just got me pissed off....lol
i was talking to a friend and they said that jesus didn't use real wine because he would not put any alcohol in his body.
she said that when jesus was hanging on the cross and they offered him the pain killer and he refused proves that he wouldn't take alcohol.
so in their communion at their church they use grape juice instead of wine.
What a coincidence. I was at the bar with Jesus just last night; he likes a nice Merlot....
Elvis was there, too.
i'm so curious!
if you see this, sign your name and your location if you want, cuz i wanna know how many people actively view this!
Rosemarie, Lansdale, PA
But please put me on record as a "JERSEY GIRL", 'cause that's what I am!
as a faithful and zealous witness, nothing can question your faith.
but one day, something does!
you begin to have doubts.
Well, the Silent Lambs thing was very upsetting, but that was not what did it for me. I knew a long time ago that that sort of thing could happen, and that it is human nature to cover things up. And that it is the JW way to disfellowship the innocent. I'm not saying I am not outraged, but that that was not the final straw.
The "generation" thing didn't bother me. I always thought that it was a mistake to attempt to predict when "the end" would come.
It was the UN thing.
earlier this week, british cemetries in northern france were vandalised by persons objecting to the war in iraq.. .
a uk newspaper carried this report:.
the showpiece cenotaph at the graveyard in northern france was smeared in red paint with the words: dig up your rubbish.
I think the French don't like Americans because they are jealous!...........
Actually, I was really perplexed at how much others hate Americans.....I guess because I can only see my own actions, and I tend to distance myself from the actions of the US Gov't. The tasteless comment about not caring about the French notwithstanding, I honestly don't have anything against any nationality or race. So I get upset at times, because in my overly simplistic mind, I can't understand why anyone would have anything against me for merely being American. Until given a reason not to, I like everyone and I hope others will like me.
I asked my ex, the Englishman, why everyone hates Americans. One thing I will say about him, he is the most intelligent man I've ever met, although ludicrously supercillious at times. He did not like the French at all. He doesn't like Americans much, either. Actually, I don' t think he likes anyone but himself, quite frankly.
He said the reason people don't like Americans is sheer jealousy.
It hurt. But it makes total sense.
i'm writing a book and as a part of my book i would like to list my personal records with the borg.
however, i have had no success so far getting the records from the wbts.
i live in canada and they were brutal to deal with.
Yes, I would also like to know exactly how to do this. I want mine back. Although maybe I AM a little crazy (see different thread) if I think I'm going to get them back.
earlier this week, british cemetries in northern france were vandalised by persons objecting to the war in iraq.. .
a uk newspaper carried this report:.
the showpiece cenotaph at the graveyard in northern france was smeared in red paint with the words: dig up your rubbish.
Why would you even care?I visit France frequently.
Why would you even care?
I may open a business one day in the Poiteau Charantes region.
Why would you even care?
My grandfather was wounded at Ypres.
Ooops. I deserved that. Sorry.
My ex really detested the French. As you know, he was English. I guess I caught more of his biases than I thought. No excuse, though. I myself don't know much about the French, except that all of my relatives who have been there, including two daughters, say that as soon as the French realized they were Americans, my relatives were treated shabbily.
I'm sorry. I was out of line.
are you surprised that there were no terrorist activities in the us since the beginning of the war?
No, not really. Ditto what was said before. I'm sure there are plans already established and we will see some soon. Sadly.