I am thankful for the few that I was able to help.
What a loving man! Welcome.
since this forum is for cleansing and healing through sharing, i want to share some confessions of an ex-elder.
how could i have allowed myself to be conned into becoming an elder?
and, after becoming an elder, why did it take me 3 years to finally figure out the hypocrisy of the organization?
I am thankful for the few that I was able to help.
What a loving man! Welcome.
i am new here and i usually dont come to these type of places as they are rampant with apostates.
i still belive in most of the teachings but its the people in the org.
that have turned me away.. the reason that i am posting though is this, i have been inactive for a few months now but i have been holding out telling my parents, friends etc.
be too queasy for coffee and cake after.
Hey, what congregation do you go to where they serve cake after the book study? I wouldn't have left if there had been cake, that's for damned sure.
i am new here and i usually dont come to these type of places as they are rampant with apostates.
i still belive in most of the teachings but its the people in the org.
that have turned me away.. the reason that i am posting though is this, i have been inactive for a few months now but i have been holding out telling my parents, friends etc.
be too queasy for coffee and cake after.
Hey, what congregation do you go to where they serve cake after the book study? I wouldn't have left if there had been cake, that's for damned sure.
i am new here and i usually dont come to these type of places as they are rampant with apostates.
i still belive in most of the teachings but its the people in the org.
that have turned me away.. the reason that i am posting though is this, i have been inactive for a few months now but i have been holding out telling my parents, friends etc.
Thanks so much. Again I didnt mean to insult anyone with the apostate comment.
You didn't insult me. I'm still getting accustomed to the idea that I have earned the Scarlet "A".
I just dont need a speech about how all witnesses are horrible
I don't believe that. I do go off from time to time, but I do not believe all Witnesses are evil.
and the whole bible is a lie!
You wont hear that from me....at least, not yet!!!!
Instead of helping they would make matters much worse
I'm so sorry. But you know, you will find a LOT of love here....
I know I want to be happy
And that's a start. I know I want to be happy, too. I've just begun my journey, although I've been DF since 1994. It's scary, unsettling, devastating at times, humorous, heart breaking....but I'm growing. I do love Jehovah. I'm just not sure what to do at this point. I'm still learning. I want the truth, the real truth, if that can be "found".....I honestly don't know. But I do know that when I decide on what course of spriitual action to take, if any, it's not going to be because two women whisper the correct answers in my ear at a weekly Bible study....
the reason i ask is because some days, i really like the way i look or what i see.
then other days, i am fat, my nose is just huge, and my skin looks like crap!!
i am just wondering if .....................
Chin up beryl!!!!!!!! You are loved and if you think you are alone.........take a look around!! We love you!!!!!!!!!!
That was beautiful...thank you with all my heart.
the reason i ask is because some days, i really like the way i look or what i see.
then other days, i am fat, my nose is just huge, and my skin looks like crap!!
i am just wondering if .....................
I don't doubt that others see me differently. I don't think I will ever see myself as anything other than the fat, lonely, plain ten year old I once was. I"m trying. But it will take time.
Distorted body image.
I wish I could take away the wrinkles...and lose the 15 pounds I put on when I went on an antidepressant.
I hate being this heavy. In actuality, I am well within the acceptable weight for my age and height, but my twin siser is like a stick, and I've always envied her.
going tomorrow (thursday) to apply for a job working at the water department.
it is entering in water bills.
has benefits and for this area, the starting pay is good.
Good luck!
going tomorrow (thursday) to apply for a job working at the water department.
it is entering in water bills.
has benefits and for this area, the starting pay is good.
Good luck!
go to google.com type in your home phone number like 555-555-5555 watch what happens.
don't know if it works outside the us
A bit discomfiting. I typed in my phone number from a year ago, and the information is still there. What I didn't like was the EZ to use map telling axe murders exactly how to get to my former apartment. I prefer to meet potential axe murders in the bar, thank you very much.
i saw this interesting post on h20.
most publishers are unaware how things really work many times in the back room of a kingdom hall.
sure there are lenient elders, many do try to show mercy.
Many times though, it is the luck of the draw depending on the makeup of your local elder body
I actually bitched about who was on my committee, and then the elder to whom I had "turned myself in" and was bitching at told me to pick whomever I wanted. He ran down the list, I wish I could remember what I said about each of them, I do remember answering to "How about Brother C.?" "He's neurotic". "Well, then, how about Brother G." "He's an idiot." The elder with whom I was speaking actually laughed at all my responses. The fact is, there really wasn't anything anyone could do. Didn't matter who was on the committe. I was smoking. Guilty. End of story. I was out, and we all knew it. The JC was merely a formality.
I must admit the elder who announced to me their decision to DF me fought back tears when he told me.
However, the situation would never have come to that had the elders not ignored my constant cries for help.
I guess all's well that ends well. I now know and understand that I must help myself.
And it's better to be out of the WTS, if what I've found out on the internet is any indication of the true state of affairs. And I believe it is.