I married one.
Big mistake. But not b/c he wasn't a JW. Because he was a selfish git.
how many here ever dated a "worldly" person, while still a jw?
I married one.
Big mistake. But not b/c he wasn't a JW. Because he was a selfish git.
from: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20030407/ts_nm/iraq_usa_cache_dc&cid=564&ncid=1473.
near baghdad (reuters) - u.s. biological and chemical weapons experts believe they may have found an iraqi storage site for chemical weapons, a u.s. officer told reuters on monday.
a military source who declined to be identified said there were unconfirmed reports there could be sarin -- a highly lethal nerve agent that causes death by suffocation -- at the site.
I hate the likes of Saddam, and I hate the likes of Bush also. They are all mentally unstable individuals who have grown up in very dysfunctional family units, where money and power were the only important things in life. And they are more fucked up than you and me
I usually don't go in for political topics. However....
This is SO true. For the life of me, I just don't understand how the average American can't see how Hitler-esque George Bush is in his tactics, and where he would like to "lead" the American people. What makes his ideology of an "axis of evil" any less reprehensible than Hitler's "Jews are evil"? I shudder to think where all this is going. And I am sickened by tbose who would deny dissenters the right to voice their disapproval, something which absolutely is going on here in the US. What were those witty little revised lyrics to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It"? Something like, "Bomb Iraq for any reason, If you don't, we'll call it treason". Something like that. Silly but speaks volumes.
I love this country. I really do. I would not want to live any where else. But I am finding it increasingly difficult to sit idly by while Bush makes a mockery of the principles on which this country was founded, and shames and humiliates us in the eyes of the entire world.
Oh, and can you name the country where a woman was recently hanged just for waving to a foreign soldier? And in what country was a 9-year-old boy shot because his parents didn't cooperate with the government? What country doesn't allow debate among its citizens about its policy, and what country is using brutal force on its people because it fears losing their loyalty?
No, this does not happen in the US....right NOW. But who is to say that it never could? The longer persons like Bush are in power, the more we will see our basic rights in the US erode. I can guarantee you that.
Back to silence on political topics now.
my parents have finally disowned me.. my dad called yesturday and told me to get the "dogs of my mothers back" about my upcoming wedding.. i told him that i havent put anyone on mum's back and if they are saying it, its because they want to and don't agree with what he and mum are doing.
i said that mum can speak for herself and he said that she and will and the next time you speak to your mother she will tell you that we dont want to ever speak to or see you again...".
at this point in the conversation i hung up the phone in his ear.
Kelpie, my heart is with you.
i came to this forum in the later part of 2000 shortly after meeting my wife.
although i still come here often to read, i rarely post anymore.
recently two very fine people, an elder and his wife, left the wt.
Dear Always,
Welcome. I appreciate your thoughts. If you stay here a little while, you may understand why some on this board are just a little bitter.
this weekend i was feeling creative and since any effort to shake this nagging feeling utterly failed, i decided to do some wt covers.
the result is now before you...they are somewhat simplistic because i did them in paint(tm), i still crave paintshop but haven't been able to get hold of it as of yet..... so here they are:.
feel free to comment or add covers of your own to this thread!
Great work. Thanks.
friends and 'ex-friends': .
you'll find this little ditty of a news story very amusing.
it seems some overly-zealous sister from the uk was pestering the grieving worldly ones at the local cemetary so much that they got mad and complained to the cemetary owner, who then complained to the kh overseer.
It is best to turn this to an elder to handle if it happens in your area. .
As always, let the women do the grunt work, then turn it over to the men for the glory...
But no, this is an intrusion of the most insensitive kind.
ok, i would have posted this long ago but its simon's fault that i couldnt.
anyhow.... i decided to go to the armory today to have my sargent weigh me and measure me.
for those of you who dont know, for someone my height the military says that they can weigh no more than 208 pounds.
Congratulations and good luck to you!
what posters do you like the most on this forum and why?.
I realize when I posted how wrong it was to just single out a few, but since I did, I must add the Shakitas. Great, loving persons.
in all my years of being a jw i have been, as everyone else, bombarded by the amount of times the society pays homage to it's own legal department and their successes (the latest one involving the us supremem court case in their favor even prompted an awake!
cover article, blagh!).
never, though, have i heard of them actually losing a decision, be it great or small.
Somewhere among my possessions, I still have the memorial talk given for Hayden Covington when he died; I remember that it was mentioned that Covington fought something like 45 cases (and I believe quite a few were Supreme Court cases) and won 40, or something like that.
It was an interesting talk. Seems ol' Hayden was DF for over-imbibing. He was eventually reinstated, but some "nice" Witnesses were split in their opinions on whether or not he would receive his heavenly reward, being as he had been DF.
Now, SOMEWHERE, I thought I read that Covington was not annointed, and for that reason could not serve on the GB . Then I hear this memorial talk during which a Brother Quackenbush, who gave the talk, stated Covington WAS annointed.
Wonder which it was? Did Hayden have an epiphany at some point in time during his legal career for the WTS? Or ..... you connect the dots. It's not my nature to be overly suspicious. LOL
But back to the point of this thread. Covington, as the WTS BIG GUN during a very tumultuous time period, absolutely DID lose some cases. But in those he did win, he never failed to give the credit for the victory to Jehovah, according to Quackenbush. However, and I quote (albeit loosely) Brother Quackenbush, there was one case in particular where the prosecuting attorney felt he had an iron clad, open and shut case. He could not lose. But then he saw that Covington was the defense attorney, and he started (allegedly) babbling, because he knew that Covington was "a tricky, city slicker" who would have "some trick up his sleeve" and that he would win his case on a technicality. Which , according to Quackenbush, was the outcome of this particular trial. That Covington won on a technicality.
That always bothered me. Since when does the owner of the Universe need to win cases solely on technicalities ?
ok, advice please.
i just bought a red layered dress.
i don't know how to explain it completely, but it is a red chiffon and a copy of a very famous german styler.
Wear what you want. If someone wants to criticize you, s/he will find any reason to do so. At least you'll look fabulous if they do!