I have a friend who works in a pawn shop in Phoenix, AZ. They have 19 licences to be in business! I can't get a job or bank account without a social security card, nor can I legally go into business without a permit. I'm charged $4 to walk on public land on a dirt hiking path, need a permit to drive, licence for the car, and need to ask permission if I want to work on my house. If I don't pay proptery taxes, the state with take my land and house at the point of a gun, so who really owns it?? The only things I can think of that don't require government permission are spending money and walking down the street.
My definition of "freedom" is doing what pleases you as long as you don't victimize other people or their property. I shouldn't have to ask permission from the government to have a dog or walk on public land or see the Grand Canyon. On top of that, if I don't voluntarily subscribe to have my money extorted from my paycheck as an income tax, my wages, bank account, and property will get liened. I would wager that Thomas Jefferson would draw a gun on any 10-cent tyrant who demanded a license for a dog.
My friend got a ticket the other day for walking across railroad tracks in Mesa, AZ. "Trespassing." I looked up the law and it is a crime in Arizona. A mother of 4 in Gilbert, AZ, was arrested for not having her dog licensed. A couple in Glendale, AZ, were arrested because they didn't get their Christmas lights down by a certain date.
My rule if I ever sit on a jury again is I will not convict anyone of anything if there is no victim. Any law that punishes someone when there is no victim is a bad law. The biggest cause of crime is laws, laws that punish where there is no victim. The only crimes against the state in the Constitution are treason and counterfeiting.
Edited by - reubenfine on 9 February 2003 10:23:18