Thanks for the replies. I read your husband's replies on my other post, he loves you dearly. I really do not have any "questions" at the moment, regarding the religion. I am pretty well confident that I no longer desire to be part of a corrupt organization that takes peoples consciences and turns them into spiritual police. Why personally question their beliefs if I cannot accept how they treat me. I do want to question their beliefe, only to show my husband, in hopes that he will understand that they are not who they claim to be. He is devout, but not active...does that make sense?
I told my husband last night, "You know, everyone in the organization is always searching for the negativity in others...what mistakes someone may have done in the past, present, and possible future, then they capitalize on those mistakes. Even someone's intentions are mistaken."
The JW's capitalize on rumors...not only are they rumors, but the actions are diseceted first by severity of the action, then reprecussions of the actions, and somehow....whatever mistakes one always seems to be explained that because of your one mistake, you have affected the entire congregation, as in the following personal experience...
Before I met my current husband, I was previously married. We divorced. So...not only was I a non-JW marrying a JW...I was previously divorced, with two children.
My JW husband and I got married and as I stated prior, my husband's entire JW family attended the wedding, even though they did not approve. (Made for interesting wedding...his side all JW's; a brother who is an Elder, another brother who is a Ministerial Servant, a sister who is a Pioneer, and another brother who is disfellowshipped. Then my entire side was "worldly", as I had no JW friends) :) It was a beautiful outdoor wedding (obviously by the circumstances...a KH was out of the question!) married by a justice of the peace (obviously by the circumstances....even his Elder brother was out of the question.) The wedding went off without a hitch, everyone playing football and the kids went swimming in the pond all afternoon. Mixing JW's, ex-Jw, and "worldly"....hmmmm, I have to say that I somehow organized the day without anyone feeling out of place. (It was the first time that the family had gotten together since their mother's funeral)
BIG MISTAKE!!!!! Three months later, out of the blue one evening....My Brother-in-law, the MS, calls and asks my husband, "What scriptural reasons did Jacqueline get a divorce from her previous husband." My husband told his brother that I had no scriptural reason for divorcing my previous husband, but that we had understood through opur research that since I divorced my husband several years prior to studying, that I could not be held accountable for my actions prior to knowing the Truth. Everyone knew I was divorced...I had two children and I never hid the fact that I divorced the man. Well, my MS brother-in-law did not accept that answer. He got very verbal with my husband over the phone and hung up. I felt aweful, knowing that because of my prior actions before meeting my husband, I had now caused a problem between my husband and his brother. My husband reassured me that I was no way my fault.
The next day we received an e-mail from his MS brother, stating that since I did not tell anyone that my divorce was unscriptural, my husband and I betrayed everyone who attended the wedding, and compromised each and everyone's personal relationship with Jehovah. He said that he would have to inform the Elders at his Hall and that he would more than likely lose all of his privledges. He demanded that we go to our Elders and tell them of our "adultress marriage". He was furious that we invited him and the rest of his family to participate in an "adultress marriage." Ironically...not one other JW who attended the wedding, ever said anything. My husband called his other brother, which is an Elder,and he really did not believe that it was a big an issue as what their brother was making out of it. We went to our Elders inquiring of our marriage, and after several weeks, they came back to us, stating that our marriage is not an adulteress one, and that we are ok, in the eyes of the society. WHEW!! Close one!
Well...the MS brother never lost his priveledges, and we never did know if he even went to his Elders regarding the issue. After a few months of "cooling off", amends were made.
Gwen, thanks for listening. Giving you a little more info at a time. Yes, I would be greatly interested in the study of the Greatest Man who ever lived. We have a pretty complete JW library and I have the '99 CD...please tell me any info where I can show my husband their discrpenacies or anything...using their own literature and books!! THANK YOU!