Didn't affect me personally but wasn't it also an informal rule that sisters should not wear thong underwear?
On the serious side, higher education was strongly discouraged.
there's a lot.. one rule that is dumb is that a brother must wear a suit for a sunday public talk that he is giving.
any other time, the brother could wear a suit coat with a different pair of pants and not be counseled for it.. another dumb idea is that you cannot date a person unless you seriously might marry them.
if you're on a date, you were supposed to always have a chaperone and holding hands might not be allowed as well as sitting together.. what other dumb rules and ideas can you add?.
Didn't affect me personally but wasn't it also an informal rule that sisters should not wear thong underwear?
On the serious side, higher education was strongly discouraged.
hey there, cooks or chefs [outlaw]:.
i love to cook!
though alone, i decided long ago that i would not go the fast or packaged food route.
When outlaw is serious about a topic it is usually a scandal.
greetings, fellow pc:.
i just finished defragging and feel so much zippier now.
i was getting sluggish to the point that all my insides locked up.
What are you trying to cover-up when you defrag your hard drive?
i guess it only took three years, but they were hell in so many ways for both of us...she was not happy and lived in denial as much as possible...i was not happy and lived in a bottle as much as possible and glad that is over for me....but it was one of the saddest things i have ever experienced in my life....as was the visit to my parents before i told her....but yes...she said she kind of expected it...was thinking something was going to happen soon as she noticed i had more and more trouble saying i love you back to her when she said it on the phone at the end of goodbyes...and when i was leaving the house...i had noticed it for over a year and it was killing me..... i told her how sorry i was for changing so much again....and that she still walks on water...and is a great person and so pretty....and that she will be ok because she was happy single before me for many years and had all she needs for that again...her closeness to jehovah and her freinds in the congregation...she is very close to both and will be ok i hope...it was very surreal....very calm...very sad.
my bitterness and disdain for wt rules came through when talking to my parents and i was very open about how i feel as to their upcoming shunning of me, and how it feels to my son since he was just 17....and how the fear of losing them had kept me trying in my marriage for the past few years...dad was firm in his position of future action....mom said they will still always love me...and will still talk to me until i get dfd.....oh how this hurts.....dad said there is a name for people who only live for themselves and deny god but could not think of what it was....i told him i was not living just for myself...that i am a good person and there are values from him and the bible i hope i always have....i cry so hard as i type this and tell you just so you can know how painful this is....i told him i so loved the rule of treating others how you want to be treated and have always done that...even allowing myself to be wronged on so many occasions to keep peace....... he said that was a good rule....i agreed and said it was a big one too....and that while i could do it...treat him the way i would like to be treated...he would not be able to!.......left as i became emotional...big hug from mom, but i just barely put an arm on dad............oompa.
Hang in there Oompa.
Having experienced what you are going through what little I can offer is that it gradually get better over time.
My hat is off to you. You did it with class and allowed for others to experience closure, too few people have the spine to do that.
Moshe sorry to hear it had to happen that way for you but you are right the WT$ didn't win; they lost genuine people.
the program was day 2 of the circuit assembly, but we'd been planning to catch the special assembly day (commonly referred to as sad even by me before i woke up).
i always felt sad after the program every time.
the new assembly hall is gargantuan.
Hang in there. You alone know what you can or can't endure. Lots of good advice and well merited concern in this thread. Be careful not to fall into the role of a martyr because you are numb from the past.
However you might be applying Tzun Tzu's principle of choosing a "death ground" (a place of no options except to fight or die) for the battle in order to ensure that you have to perform the mission to survive; I don't know.
Remember that you do matter and you do have value.
while at work today, a man in the office next to me had a heart attack.
the office staff were yelling for someone who knew cpr.
i thought to myself,' i know cpr'.
Very Nice.
according circuit overseer, brother splane will visit spain branch, in ajalvir (madrid).
the objective is to sell the factory and the 450 apartment complex, how much money?
more than euros!
You guys (and gals) are in rare form today!!
i have got a huge grudge against jehovah and his "organization".
i feel like it has ruined my life and any chance of a relationship with god..(if there is one.
) my immediate family has disowned me along with everyone i was comfortable with my whole life.
T-i-me is on our side. Yes it is.
ok so i know theres way more than just 2, but heres 2 that i could never figure out:.
belief 1) jehovah is trying to prove his right to rule by allowing saturn a chance to do better/fail.
this means extensive trauma for all humans as they suffer and die, basicly innocent vitums of this.. belief 2) in the paradise the bad memories of living in this saturns system will bewiped.. so i ask you: what is the point of belief number 1 if all those years of proving saturn wrong will no longer be remembered?
Spell checkers gone wild!
can you prove the following watchtower teachings using nothing other than the bible?.
1. jehovah has an earthly organization today and that the governing body is being directed by jehovah.
2. only the remnant have the heavenly hope.
**Watches as the crickets chirp the evening away.**