Shutting off privately owned websites sounds kind of difficult for the WT to accomplish, but not impossible. The person will feel the pressure of taking down the webpage even if the elders don't know he has one, and besides, what kind of witness would go into a JW page knowing that those pages shouldn't be around. The only ones would be people just surfing through the net, but I doubt there would be any use in the webpage. If they are 'worldly' people, they'll most likely consider information from other sources such as this site. I have some friends who turn very defensive when I tell them that there is some information on their religion on a website or something, I can imagine now how they'll be. Are they also taking down the website That'll be kewl. Has any ex-JW here found this webpage by luck, then just read some part out of curiousity, then later leave the org from the information they found here? -CA
JoinedPosts by ClassAvenger
Internet use and the dubs
by William Penwell injust wondering if anyone is aware of a clamp down coming down on internet use with the dubs?
just talking to my parents tonight and there was some mention that "big brother" wt organization will be shutting down any dub web sites.
i guess i wasn't to popular as i said, "god created us with a brain to think amd it would be the most divine thing if we used that brain to think for ourself".
the wbts CDROM?
by jwbot ini am still looking for a copy, i am not sure who was going to send me one, but it has been a while and i would really like to do research :(
if someone sends me one, i have some server space and would be willing to put it up online or on an ftp server for others to download and use.
pm me if you want to help me out and send me a copy.
What CD are you all talking about?
the wbts CDROM?
by jwbot ini am still looking for a copy, i am not sure who was going to send me one, but it has been a while and i would really like to do research :(
if someone sends me one, i have some server space and would be willing to put it up online or on an ftp server for others to download and use.
pm me if you want to help me out and send me a copy.
I have the Watchtower 2001 Library, is that what you are talking about?
Is there anything you'd willingly give your life for?
by Happythoughts ini would willingly give my life to save my child.
i'm sure that would be the same answer for most parents, but how about those people without kids?
Oh, and also for my country. God bless the USA.
Is there anything you'd willingly give your life for?
by Happythoughts ini would willingly give my life to save my child.
i'm sure that would be the same answer for most parents, but how about those people without kids?
I would give my life primarily for my beliefs, and then for my loved ones, and for my girlfriend. Lol.
Are there any young folks who are sincere JWs?
by Spudinator ini'm closer to middle-age so that is why the question is posed; so those that are younger or really know some younger jws very well can give an older codger some insight.. i hear a lot of grumbling among those of my generation that the new kids just don't seem to get it.
("it" being the "truth.
") is this really the case for the vast majority?
I have several friends who are sincere Jehovah Witnesses and believe they have the 'truth'. I don't believe they will last long in the sect if someone starts preaching to them, they cannot defend their beliefs well enough. The only problem is that they are still 'deaf', they just don't want to listen to other people from a different religion and regard any info you give to them as 'apostate information'. Been there, done that.
Is the Koran an Inspired Book?
by Happythoughts infrom what i gather--in my opinion--here i go again the book is very negative; it's obsessed with the punishment in the hereafter for the "unbelievers" (an oft cited word in the book) and speaks of them being : chastised in the fire.
" i lost count of the number of times this phrase is used.
the book does not present a loving god--but a vindictive harsh one, more concerned with punishment than life and forgiveness.
LOL! Inspired! I would be a million times more willing to believe in the Book of the Mormon.
If you wanted to be cremated after your death...
by FancyPants in.
but could foresee the future and saw that your body was thrown into the woods to rot, would it bother you?
If I'm dead, I wouldn't care one bit.
Need help...I am so confused....(this will probably be rambling)
by stephaniesays ini started going to church.
i am going to a baptist church just because they have a great youth program at this one, and my daughter (12) has really gotten into it, which i think is a positive thing.
i have never really taught her anything about religion because i never knew what i believed, and i am having to confront now, what exactly it is that i do believe.
I also go to a Baptist church, although I don't really know what you are going through because I have not experienced it. If you have any questions on Baptist doctrines, you can ask alleymom here in the forum, or me. I do not know much but I'll do my best to answer any question you might have. In my opinion, I don't think your pastor will feel annoyed by all your questions, he will most likely be happy to help you answer all of them. Just focus on one subject and ask as many questions as you have on it so there will be no doubt left in you, and so your faith will not be based on something you are 'supposed' to believe just because you are part of that religion. We do not believe that you have to be in our religion to go to heaven. All Christian denominations agree that it is not the religion, but Christ that saves us. If you cannot accept some of the doctrines taught and it seems like they are fake and not biblically based, just reject them. I'm pretty sure the pastor won't mind, although he will try to convince you. It is not like in the Watchtower, where if you reject a certain doctrine you are out. I've seen some people who do this around in the forum, like LittleToe. He attends a Presbyterian church, but considers himself an Unorthdox Christian because he accepts only doctrines he holds to be true. Don't get confused though, just because you don't like a doctrine may you reject it. Lol. About heaven, this belief is based in several passages and a lot in Revelations. One of the verses is Luke 23:43, "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. The Watchtower has it: " And he said to him: 'Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.'" They insert that comma after today, even though in the Greek scriptures there are no commas. From what i know, in every other part of the bible there is a comma after "thee" in the phrase, "Verily I say unto thee". I have a Bible in Spanish which reads it without comma, "Verily I say unto thee that today shalt thou be with me in paradise". Well, I hope this information is of some help. Keep in touch. - CA
If you knew there was no reward for serving God would you still serve him?
by Happythoughts in.
do you think most people would serve him?
If I knew there was no reward for serving God, I am sure I would still serve him.