They teach almost the same, in this case.
"you will wake up in paradise... it's just close and open your eyes, just like falling asleep"
I fell a little bit afraid of death. I don't have that desire to "live forever", but also I believe that an earlier death is unfear. I want to see my kids as adults. I want to have grandchildren.
What if I die tomorrow?
What if I die before waking up my family to TTATT?
I'm some sort of agnostic, so I don't think that I'm going anywere. And that is a little more scary. In the end it will be "game over, man... game over!", no hopes, nothing. Just the blue screen of death.
Going back to the issue: No, I believe that WT gives their followers an empty hope as empty as the other faiths. Is not better, is not worst.