Well, I think it's starting.
Lot's can still be done.
Don't give up now.
the fifth estate program last night was a great example of investigative journalism.
believe me, there's a lot of talk going on in these parts about the show last night.
some trying to gloss it over, but even at that there are some die-hard jws who are feeling pretty uncomfortable.
Well, I think it's starting.
Lot's can still be done.
Don't give up now.
does anyone who posts here have contact with greg stafford?
is it possible that this is just a "pen" name so that he remains anonymous?
his recent book "dissertation" was excellent.
I read the book. Barbara Anderson gave me hers.
Thanks Barb.
I wanted a chance to read it.
Of the book? Poor quality. He runs around issues and omits. I was very dissappointed. I would NOT reccommned it.
But he probably wrote the way he did in a futile attempt to stay IN the org. I am sure it has backfired.
Greg, nice try, but sorry. Your book falls flat. If you are willing to debate online, I will go for it. I will go back and re-read it just for the event and makes notes on specifics..
I assure you, however, that that would be one debate you will lose miserably.
You made alot of boo boo's and I would point them out publicly.
Better that you accept your fate, leave the org, and write a real book like Ray has done.
according to john 1:1, jesus is god.
how do jehovah's witnesses rationalize that blatant statement of jesus' deity?
Sorry friend, but you are full of baloney.
apocalypse: .
in another thread you said this: .
"tell her that you want her to help you understand the 607, 1914 stuff.
I posted it under Bible Research.
with so much information out there now, it's easy for some to wonder to themselves as to just how it is that it's possible that jws continue to be so blind.
the answer to those ponderings comes from the watchtower itself and is found on page 28 of the current bookstudy book isaiah's prophecy ii.
at the top of the page within pg 23 it says ... .
Good hunting.
the following information was prepared for the benefit of those who are endeavoring to assist a close friend or relative who is a jehovahs witness.
it is intended to aid a person who wishes to, in a non-confrontational manner, approach the vital foundational issue with respect to the primary doctrine of jehovahs witnesses.
it can be done without the recipient of the information even becoming aware of your intentions.
Oh, I know that the vast majority of dubs are unreachable. I have seen it time and again. I see it all the time in fact.
However, if a person is working on their mate perhaps, then they can casue a mental roadblock. It can stick to them for a long time, eating at their insides like worms. Eventually, it can have an effect.
The first point that hurts them, that they will most certainly understand, is when thet see the encyclopedia spell it out that the 607 date is wrong.
That will eat a hole in their gut. Give it time.
Then if they try to fix the hole in their gut, you advance to the next stage. They have to do research in a futile attempt to justify their false reasoning. Then you make liberal use the of the quote about "an astronimically confirmed date". Use it till they reject it.
Then you lay it on them about what the Insight book says, and pull their 539 rug out from underneath them. That will widen the hole in their gut, big enough for a truck to pass through.
Then be patient.
Later, a person could use the blood doctrine on "blood components" . Discuss what is the best from "God's" (WTS) point of view. When they see all the contradictions in the WTS's doctrine, allowing blood components taken from stored blood, yet not allowing them to be a blood doner, well, another gaping hole in the gut.
Then, let them 'bleed'.
we just got back from our circuit assembly.
in the final discussion, the district overseer went on about 'not having anything to do with organizations or any part or branches of organizations that would have objectives contrary to kingdom interests.
it was quite obvious to those in the know, that he was talking about the united nations scandal.
Thanks everyone for the fine words. And the criticism too.
We will hang out for now. Don't know what else we can do but implode out families.
What would that acchieve? I don't know. We do what we want anyway.
about matthew 24
have you read this chapter?
all those who have called themselves "christian" have at one time or another read it, and wondered.
The change to the second question begins in verse 23 because...
1) There are two questions about two different but related things. There has to be a transition from answering the first, to the second. It need only be identified.
2) Jesus begins a second warning, not a repetition of the first. This second warning is for them not to look for the Christ on Earth. If you notice, he's on Earth as he's giving this warning.
3) In Mark 13:21 Jesus is recorded as saying "Then, TOO, if anyone says to you "See! Here is the Christ..." making clear that he is referring to another time period when Christians will "too", or again hear of "false prophets". Not a repeat of the first "false prophets" warning but a fresh one. Following that, in Mark's account, verse24 goes on to say "But in THOSE days, after THAT tribulation..." showing that he is contrasting the first event, the fall of the Temple which he has just discussed, with "those" still far distant future days when "THAT" event of the "Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory" will take place.
As far as a "book", I don't recall saying I wrote a book. Although with all that I have written so far, it is equal to a small book.
Revelation? Nobody knows this. We know parts, or believe we do. But in the end, without full knowledge, anybody who says he can explain any part of this book is on thin ice wihtout beaing able to explain it all.
And 'dem whatz tried, ...cried.
the following information was prepared for the benefit of those who are endeavoring to assist a close friend or relative who is a jehovahs witness.
it is intended to aid a person who wishes to, in a non-confrontational manner, approach the vital foundational issue with respect to the primary doctrine of jehovahs witnesses.
it can be done without the recipient of the information even becoming aware of your intentions.
A while ago, an elder in our hall gave the NEW AND IMPROVED 1914 talk.
He got to the point about the "generation" and tried like hell to explain the new teaching. He couldn't. It was pathetic.
After several failed attempts at explaining the OZ generation, he reached down to the lectern and grabbed the Watchtower bound volume and proceeded to read it word for word.
Can you imagine. He's giving the talk on this and cannot explain it. He has to read from the tower.
If he couldn't understand this "new light", then how could anybody in the pews understand it?
about matthew 24
have you read this chapter?
all those who have called themselves "christian" have at one time or another read it, and wondered.
Hmm. I thought there might be something reasonable posted on the bottom of this thread.
Guess not eh.